Executive post



·     Leadership of the Combined Authority

·     Engagement with Government Ministers and Departments

·     Overarching responsibility for developing and implementing the strategic direction of the Combined Authority

·     Chair of Combined Authority: nominating lead member responsibilities and chairs of executive committees

·     Public sector reform

·     Lead Member of the Business Board (local enterprise partnership) for the Combined Authority. In conjunction with the Business Board, responsible for the development of the Local Industrial Strategy

·     Aligning delivery of the Local Industrial Strategy with the strategic framework of the Combined Authority

·     Combined Authority local and national ambassador for key business sectors:

o  Life Sciences and Healthcare

o  Advanced Manufacturing

o  Agritech

o  ICT, Digital and Creative

o  Place-based growth strategies including Market Towns and Core Cities

o  Enterprise zones: impact of Brexit

·     Ambassador for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to secure inward investment

·     Assurance and Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks

·     The Mayor has executive functions in relation to the Mayoral budget and non- statutory spatial planning

·     Communications Strategy

Post is held by