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This is a change request was recommended for approval by Investment Panel on 24 October 2024 and approved by the Chief Executive Officer on 31 October 2024.
It is to extend the project completion date to FY 2025/26 from FY 2024/25 and broaden the scope of the project to include initiatives identified/shaped with stakeholders that were not directly referenced with the original Chalk Stream Audit report.
The original Business Case focused on selecting interventions from the Chalk Streams Audit list, which outlined specific projects aimed at addressing chalk stream degradation. However, the Chalk Stream Audit Report that informed the original business case was based on walk-over surveys, which lacked important geological, ecological, and hydrological evidence-based research. Furthermore, historic chalk stream restoration in Greater Cambridge has been delivered without pre- and post-project monitoring, leaving the success or failure of these efforts unassessed. There is also a significant lack of evidence-based chalk stream research in the region.
Consequently, the Greater Cambridge Chalk Stream Project (GCCSP) has adapted to focus on providing case study sites that will collate valuable evidence-based data. This will support informed decision-making on chalk stream and riparian habitat restoration using a catchment-based approach. Isolated, unmonitored small restoration projects are not good value for CPCA funds, and this project aims to ensure that restoration efforts are backed by rigorous research and comprehensive monitoring.
Decision Maker: Chief Executive
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 31/10/2024
Chief Executive Officer approval of Change Requests for a change of scope, through the Single Assurance Framework
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Made at meeting: 25/10/2024 - Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Decision published: 28/10/2024
Effective from: 25/10/2024
A. To note and endorse the approach to the further development of the Climate Action Plan review for 2025-30 and in particular to ensure the Plan is co- produced and co- owned
B. To note the progress on developing the projects within the Climate Programme since the last Committee in July 2024
C. To note the plans for the launch of the Opportunity Fund bidding round later this year.
D. To meet informally in January 2025 to review opportunity fund bids before they are presented to the Investment Panel in February*
*text in bold denotes an additional recommendation
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Made at meeting: 25/10/2024 - Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Decision published: 28/10/2024
Effective from: 25/10/2024
The minutes of the meeting on 31 July 2024 were approved as an accurate record.
The Action Log was noted by the Committee.
To present the final draft of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework for approval.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Made at meeting: 25/10/2024 - Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Decision published: 28/10/2024
Effective from: 25/10/2024
A. To recommend to the Board to approve the final report of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework (IDF).
B. To approve the next steps of the CPCA working with Place Directors, across the constituent authorities to develop project concepts and an action plan to address infrastructure issues.
Lead officer: Judith Barker
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Made at meeting: 25/10/2024 - Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Decision published: 28/10/2024
Effective from: 25/10/2024
A. To note the financial position of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Division for the financial year 24/25 to the end of the first quarter, June 2024
B. To note the current Environment and Sustainable Communities budgets within the Combined Authority’s Medium-Term Financial Plan and Capital Programme
To approve GSENZH to apply for and deliver the
Warmer Homes – Local Grant scheme across a consortia of Local
Authorities in the GSENZH area using capital grant funding from
DESNZ over a 3-5 year period
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Made at meeting: 25/10/2024 - Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
Decision published: 28/10/2024
Effective from: 25/10/2024
A. i) To note the national issues with delivery of previous retrofit schemes that the GSENZ Hub have delivered, the reputational and financial risk to the CPCA and the GSENZ Hub.
ii) To agree to the GSENZ Hub undertaking a prompt engagement exercise with the Hub Board and consortia members alongside a risk assessment to inform a final decision whether to submit an expression of interest as the Contracting Authority and Accountable Body for the new Government’s Warm Homes: Local Grant.
B. To recommend to the CA Board to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place and Connectivity to work with the Chair of ESC to evaluate the engagement evidence and outcome of the risk assessment and to conclude whether to submit an Expression of Interest as the application timeline requires decision between committee dates.
C. To recommend to the CA Board that the ‘GSENZ Hub is approved to apply on behalf of local authorities in the GSENZ Hub consortia to deliver the Warm Homes: Local Grant scheme’. On the condition that the outcome from recommendations A & B concludes this is the appropriate decision and to report this decision back to the CA Board
Lead officer: Maxine Narburgh
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the report
To brief Members on plans for continuity of
service beyond UKSPF funding
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the update of the outcome of the Wave 5 procurement
B. To n the update on the bid submitted to DfE to secure funding for Skills Bootcamps for FY2025/26
C. Subject to confirmation of grant funding of £3,511,946 from Department for Education (DfE), the Skills and Employment Committee recommends that the Combined Authority Board accept the grant funding to deliver Wave 6 Skills Bootcamp for FY 2025/2026
D. Subject to confirmation of grant funding approval from Department for Education (DfE), the Skills and Employment Committee recommends that the Combined Authority Board delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to:
i. Enter into, sign and award grant agreements;
ii. Enter into, sign and award contracts and extend contracts with existing providers where appropriate;
iii. Carry out a relevant procurement exercise, for the delivery of wave 6 Skills Bootcamps funding and award and sign contracts with successful providers.
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the current plan to transition the regions Skills Brokerage Service (Growthworks with Skills) post UK Shared Prosperity (UKSPF) funding in March 2025
B. To endorse proposals to continue service delivery through CPCA funds
Lead officer: Alexis McLeod
To update members on plans for future
commissioning of Adult Skills including strategic priorities
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note CPCA’s approach to commissioning adult skills for 2025 and beyond
B. To recommend that the CA Board approves the transitionary commissioning plan for private and third-sector providers for delivery from 1.8.25 and beyond as set out in section 3.6 of the report.
C. To recommend that the CA Board agrees to the development of an Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028
Lead officer: Andrea Wood
Update on the work plan and next steps
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the presentation on FE Cold Spots.
Lead officer: Laura Guymer
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
The minutes of the meeting on the 29 July 2024 were approved as an accurate record.
The Action Log was noted by the Committee.
To receive a progress report on mid-term
performance: funding and strategic focus
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the current in-year performance of Combined Authority funded Skills programmes
Lead officer: Andrea Wood
Decision Maker: Skills and Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the financial position of the Skills Division for the financial year 24/25 to June 2024.
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 22/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
Apologies were received from Cllr Sharp.
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 21/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
The minutes from the meeting held on 29 August 2024 were approved as an accurate record.
The Action Log was noted.
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 21/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the subsidiary company information and current equity holdings of the Combined Authority
To approve the Climate Programme Bidding Round
Outline Business Case and funding to progress to Full Business Case
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 21/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A To approve the Outline Business Case, and £102,000 revenue for the bidding round and development of the Full Business Case
Lead officer: Nathan Bunting
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 21/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
The Investment Committee resolved to:
A. Recommend to the CPCA Board that the CPCA complete a shareholder’s agreement with PropCo2 and ARU including the issuance of 3 million shares to the Combined Authority and up to 1.5 million shares to ARU in return for cash or an in-kind investment of up to £1.5m, subject to the final version of the shareholder agreement being approved by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, the Executive Director Economy and Growth, and the Chair of the Investment Committee, Mayor Dr Nik Johnson
B. Recommend to the CPCA Board that the CPCA agree to provide shareholder approval for PropCo2 to enter into an agreement to lease the whole of the Phase 2 building to Anglia Ruskin Enterprise Limited subject to the final version of the lease being approved by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, the Executive Director Economy and Growth, and the Chair of the Investment Committee, Mayor Dr Nik Johnson
NB. Text in bold is in addition to the original recommendations
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 21/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
The Investment Committee resolved to:
A. Note the performance against major projects supported by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA)
B. Note the summary of the wider CPCA project landscape
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 21/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note and comment upon the concept papers prior to their presentation CPCA Board at its meeting on 13 November 2024:
Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Made at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
Decision published: 21/10/2024
Effective from: 21/10/2024
A. To note the Chief Executive business case decisions for projects less than £1m under the Single Assurance Framework.