
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the combined authority’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by combined authority officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Committee Calendar 2025/26 ref: 102622/01/202522/01/2025Not for call-in
Overview of the GSENZ Hub ref: 102522/01/202522/01/2025Not for call-in
Cygnet Bridge Change Request - KD2024/072 ref: 102422/01/202504/02/2025Call-in expired
Mayor's Budget ref: 95722/01/202504/02/2025Call-in expired
Rapportuer Updates ref: 98416/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Recommendations/Questions to the CA Board on the 22nd January 2025 ref: 98216/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
State of the region Dashboards ref: 98116/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Chair for Environment & Sustainable Communities Committee ref: 98016/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Final Draft Budget and MTFP Update ref: 97916/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Budget Working Group Feedback ref: 97816/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Corporate Strategy Review ref: 97716/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Date of Next Meeting ref: 98616/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Work Programme ref: 98516/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
CA Forward Plan ref: 98316/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Public Questions ref: 97516/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Minutes of the previous meeting ref: 97616/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Declaration of Interests ref: 97416/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 97316/01/202516/01/2025Not for call-in
Work Programme ref: 97120/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Minutes of the previous meeting ref: 96320/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy ref: 97020/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Further Education Cold Spots ref: 96920/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Youth Forum for the Youth Guarantee Trailblazer ref: 96820/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
CPCA's Wider Outcomes Framework ref: 96720/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Director's Highlight Report ref: 96620/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Single Assurance Framework Business Case Submissions and Change Requests ref: 94213/01/202513/01/2025Not for call-in
Investment Committee Concept Papers - Strategic Investment and Innovation Fund ref: 94113/01/202513/01/2025Not for call-in
Single Assurance Framework Business Case Approvals: Chief Executive Officer Decisions ref: 94313/01/202513/01/2025Not for call-in
Waterbeach Renewable Energy Network (WREN) change request ref: 102313/01/202513/01/2025Not for call-in
Investment Committee Concept Paper - Strategic Investment and Innovation Fund ref: 102213/01/202513/01/2025Not for call-in
SAF Business Case Approvals - Chief Executive Decisions ref: 94713/01/202513/01/2025Not for call-in
Concept Papers ref: 94813/01/202513/01/2025Not for call-in