Issue - decisions

FE Cold Spots

07/02/2025 - Further Education Cold Spots

It was resolved to:

A    approve the proposed Grant Funding approach to spend the £4.5m Capital Investment

B    delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer, to enter into grant funding agreements with selected providers on behalf of the Combined Authority

21/01/2025 - Further Education Cold Spots


A.    To note the progress made towards the establishment of a Skills Capital Grant Funding opportunity to resolve the FE Cold Spots identified by the Combined Authority.

B.    To recommend to the Combined Authority Board the approval of the proposed Grant Funding approach to spend the £4.5m Capital Investment.

C.   To recommend to the Combined Authority Board the delegation to the Assistant Director of Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer, to enter into grant funding agreements with selected providers on behalf of the Combined Authority.