Committee to receive the most up to date Corporate Risk Register for review and comment.
he Committee RESOLVED to:
a) To note the report and supporting documentation to enable to Committee to undertake a Deep Dive into the Culture risk
b) To note the report and supporting documentation to enable to Committee to undertake a Deep Dive into the Governance VfM risk
c) To note the Corporate Risk Register, Dashboard and Heatmap
The Committee received the report which requested the Committee note the Corporate Risk Report including the Register, Dashboard and Heat Map, together the update on progress of the Risk Software implementation and the actions in response to the Internal Audit recommendations. Members also reviewed a risk deep dive into culture and governance.
The following points were raised during the discussion:
Officers responded to a question on measuring the culture and quality of leadership. They advised members that it would be measured through LEAPS, monthly meetings with the CEO to discuss objectives. There had been regular 1;1s between CMT which was fed through to the individual teams.
Members commented on the presentation of reports to committees, suggesting a change in wording from ‘note’ to ‘endorse’ officers agreed to take this suggestion on board.
Officers responded to a question on HR policies, stating that significant changes had been made in the appraisal system and HR policies over the last 18 months, leading to improvements in culture and risk mitigation. The progress was supported by staff feedback and specific policies like the whistleblowing policy had been introduced for staff support.
The Chair commented on the importance of member culture, noting the low induction attendance and the need for a risk survey for gap analysis. Officers highlighted the activities for member culture, including formal training, outreach work by the IIB, and the shared ambition work that started in January, which had grown in momentum and allowed for informal discussions and collective learning. The Interim Monitoring Officer advised that the code of conduct had been refreshed, a mayoral induction programme developed, and a new training programme for members introduced, all aimed at improving member culture.
Officers responded to a question on the link between culture and governance, stating that dependencies were taken into account when preparing the register, and this was being captured more formally in the risk software. The External Auditors advised that the Combined Authority was on the right track, with the 23/24 period expected to chart the journey and enhanced arrangements in place.
The committee requested that the recommendation should extend beyond merely noting, but also include undertaking a deep dive, as there was currently no evidence of such an in-depth analysis having been conducted.
In response to queries about climate change risk, officers clarified that the focus was on the activities of the CPCA to tackle climate change, rather than the climate change risks facing the CPCA area.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
To note the report and supporting documentation to enable to Committee to undertake a Deep Dive into the Culture risk
To note the report and supporting documentation to enable to Committee to undertake a Deep Dive into the Governance VFM risk
To note the Corporate Risk Register, Dashboard and Heatmap
1 That recommendations for the committee going forward should be more specific in relation to the deep dives to state the Committee carried out deep dive and note with satisfaction.
2 The Next Corporate Risk report to include and make clear who looks at the what in relation to climate change risk.
Supporting documents: