Venue: CPCA Meeting Room, Pathfinder House, Huntingdon
Contact: Anne Gardiner
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence and any notification of substitutions. Decision: Apologies received from Cllr Brown. Minutes: Apologies received from Cllr Brown.
Declaration of Interests At this point Members must declare whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, or other interest, in any of the items on the agenda, unless it is already entered in the register of members’ interests. Decision: There were no declaration of interests made. Minutes: There were no declaration of interests made.
Chair's Announcements A verbal announcement from the Chair. Decision: The Chair made the following announcements:
1) Remind members that there would be a private meeting at the close of the public meeting. Minutes: The Chair made the following announcements:
Reminded members that there would be a private meeting with the auditors at the close of the public meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 172 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2024 and to note the Action Log. Additional documents: Decision: The minutes of the meeting on 26th September 2024 were approved as an accurate record.
The Action Log was noted by the Committee.
The Chair queried what progress had been made in relation to the recruitment for the Independent Member and officers advised the recruitment process was due to begin in the next few weeks. The Chair suggested that a press release should be issued when the advert went live.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 26th September were approved as an accurate record.
The Action Log was noted by the Committee.
The Chair queried what progress had been made in relation to the recruitment for the Independent Member and officers advised the recruitment process was due to begin in the next few weeks. The Chair suggested that a press release should be issued when the advert went live.
CPCA Update To receive a verbal update on the key activities of the Combined Authority since the last Committee meeting. Decision: The Committee received a verbal update from the Executive Director for Resources.
Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from the Executive Director for Resources.
The following points were raised during the discussion:-
The Committee thanked the Mayor and officers for the update.
ACTION: 1) Mayor to be invited within the first 3 months of the new municipal year to attend a meeting. Invite the Lead Member for Climate to attend the February meeting. |
Corporate Risk Report PDF 159 KB To review the Corporate Risk Register, the risk appetite approach and a deep dive into a specific risk. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee received the report which requested they review the Corporate Risk Register, the risk appetite approach and a deep dive into a specific risk.
The Committee RESOLVED:
A To endorse the Corporate Risk Register, Dashboard and Heatmap B To undertake a deep dive into Future Funding risk C To review the schedule of deep dives D To endorse the risk appetite approach and review the draft statement Minutes: The Committee received the report which requested they review the Corporate Risk Register, the risk appetite approach and a deep dive into a specific risk.
The following points were raised during the discussion:
The Committee then discussed the deep dive into future funding with the following points raised:
The Committee requested that
The Committee RESOLVED:
A To endorse the Corporate Risk Register, Dashboard and Heatmap B To undertake a deep dive into Future Funding risk C To review the schedule of deep dives D To endorse the risk appetite approach and review the draft statement
1) A schedule of deep dives for the next year to be brought to the February meeting so members had the opportunity to discuss and make suggestions.
2024/25 Treasury Management Mid-Year Review PDF 147 KB To review in-year performance against the prudential indicators included within the Treasury Management and Capital Strategies. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee received the report which requested they review the in-year performance against the prudential indicators included within the Treasury Management and Capital Strategies.
The Committee RESOLVED:
To note the in-year performance against the adopted prudential and treasury indicators. Minutes: The Committee received the report which requested they review the in-year performance against the prudential indicators included within the Treasury Management and Capital Strategies.
The Committee RESOLVED:
To note the in-year performance against the adopted prudential and treasury indicators.
Update on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Subsidiary Companies PDF 155 KB To provide an update concerning the status of the Combined Authority’s subsidiary companies and the work being undertaken in relation to the administration and decision-making of those interests. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee received the report which provided an update concerning the status of the Combined Authority’s subsidiary companies and the work being undertaken in relation to the administration and decision-making of those interests.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
A To Note the information provided on subsidiary companies of the Combined Authority B To note the role of the Investment Committee and the Combined Authority Board in relation to the decision-making relating to Combined Authority subsidiary company interests C To agree to receive further updates on combined authority subsidiary company matters Minutes: The Committee received the report which provided an update concerning the status of the Combined Authority’s subsidiary companies and the work being undertaken in relation to the administration and decision-making of those interests.
The following points were raised during the discussion:-
The Committee RESOLVED to:
A To Note the information provided on subsidiary companies of the Combined Authority B To note the roles of the Investment Committee and the Combined Authority Board in relation to the decision-making relating to Combined Authority subsidiary company interests C To agree to receive further updates on combined authority subsidiary company matters
1) Report to be brought to the February meeting which explained how A&G responsibilities were being impacted by the introduction of the Investment Committee.
Internal Audit - Progress Report PDF 527 KB To receive a progress report from the Internal Auditors, RSM. Decision: The Committee received the report which provided the progress report from the Internal Auditors, RSM.
The Committee RESOLVED to note the report. Minutes: The Committee received the report which provided the progress report from the Internal Auditors, RSM.
The Chair asked the internal auditor if he had any comments in relation to the subsidiary companies; RSM had looked at the companies for three financial years under the internal audit plans, and a number of issues had been identified in those audits, which were being addressed by Officers. The last review was undertaken in May 2024 and agreed actions that would be included in the follow up coverage scheduled for the fourth quarter, so some assurance against those actions would be brought to the committee in a future report.
The Committee RESOLVED to note the report.
External Audit - Verbal Update To receive a verbal update from the External Auditor. Decision: The Committee received a verbal update from the External Auditor Minutes: The External Auditor advised that the 22/23 Audit Completion Report had been issued ahead of the 28th November meeting, to enable the meeting for sign off of the 2022/23 financial statements by the backstop set by government of the 13th December.
The 23/24 accounts would reflect progress made and have an update on the Value for Money commentary in light of the Best Value Notice being lifted.
In relation to the wording for the disclaimed audit opinion, the Committee were advised that all audit firms were working to the same guidance issued by National Audit Office/Financial Reporting Council, with wording that was very clear and provided links to legislation. The FRC has also issued some contextual information, which could provide background to the issue and a suggested approach should a press release be required.
The Committee were advised there was a need for the February meeting to be rearranged due to the backstop for the 23/24 accounts needing to be signed off by the 28th February. The Committee agreed to move their February meeting to the 21st February.
1) The February A&G Committee meeting be rearranged to the 21st February 2025.
To note the Committee’s Work Programme. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Note the committee work programme B Agree that the February meeting be rescheduled to the 21st February. Minutes: It was resolved to: A Note the Committee Agenda Plan.
Date of Next Meeting Thursday, 28 November 2024. Decision: The next meeting is scheduled for 28th November at 10am. The meeting venue is Pathfinder House, Huntingdonshire District Council. Minutes: The next meeting is scheduled for 28th November at 10am. The meeting venue is Pathfinder House, Huntingdonshire District Council.