Venue: Town Hall, Market Hill, Huntingdon, PE29 3PJ
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting, and advised he would be using his prerogative as Mayor to adjust the running order of the meeting. Note, the items were taken in the following order: 1-7, 9-18, 8. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence; and to receive notification of substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Dennis Jones (Councillor Mohammed Jamil substituting), Councillor Anna Smith (Councillor Mike Davey substituting) and Councillor Edna Murphy. |
Declaration of Interests To receive any declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no declaration of interests made. |
Combined Authority Membership Update Report advising of amendments to the membership of the regulatory and thematic committees since the last meeting of the Combined Authority Board. Decision: It was resolved to: A Note the changes in membership from East Cambridgeshire District Council on the Combined Authority’s Skills and Employment Committee. B Note the temporary change in substitute member from Fenland District Council on the Combined Authority’s Audit and Governance Committee. C Note the temporary change in substitute member from Huntingdonshire District Council on the Combined Authority Board for the November meeting. D Note the change of substitute member from Cambridge City Council on the Combined Authority’s Investment Committee. E Note the appointment of a member of the Combined Authority’s Investment Committee to a new Business Growth Steering Group. Minutes: The Board received a report outlining changes to the membership of board and committees of the Combined Authority. It was resolved to: A Note the changes in membership from East Cambridgeshire District Council on the Combined Authority’s Skills and Employment Committee. B Note the temporary change in substitute member from Fenland District Council on the Combined Authority’s Audit and Governance Committee. C Note the temporary change in substitute member from Huntingdonshire District Council on the Combined Authority Board for the November meeting. D Note the change of substitute member from Cambridge City Council on the Combined Authority’s Investment Committee. E Note the appointment of a member of the Combined Authority’s Investment Committee to a new Business Growth Steering Group. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2024 and to note the action log. Additional documents: Decision: The minutes of the meeting on 4 September 2024 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Mayor. The action log was noted. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 4 September 2024 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Mayor. The action log was noted. |
Petitions To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 5.34 of the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Minutes: No petitions were received. |
Public and Member Questions To receive any questions from, and provide answers to the public and members in accordance with Standing Orders in the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Arrangements for asking a public question can be viewed here: Public Questions - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Additional documents: Minutes: Two public questions and two member questions were received in advance of the meeting. The questions and responses are published here. |
To consider Motions submitted in the name of any member, in accordance with Standing Order 5.15 of the Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: The motion as submitted was proposed by Councillor Anna Bailey, seconded by Councillor Chris Boden. An amendment to the motion was proposed by Councillor Mike Davey, seconded by Councillor Mohammed Jamil. On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried by a majority [6 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstention]. During discussion, members emphasised the need for different authorities to understand their roles. The need to be aware of the perception of a stigma around claiming pension credit was highlighted. It is vitally important to ensure people know their entitlements and where to seek help, support is required for the vulnerable. The political nature of the amendment was noted, with a request for a compromise to enable prioritisation of poor pensioners over party politics. The substantive motion was carried a majority [6 for, 2 against, 1 abstention] This Authority notes: · The Labour Government has made the difficult decision to means test Winter Fuel Payments. This means that they will only continue to be received by those in receipt of Pension Credit and other benefits. · The significant public concern about the impact of this change. Rising cost of living pressures have taken their toll in recent years, especially given the context of the numbers of older people left in a financially challenging and vulnerable position by the actions and management of the economy by the previous Conservative government. Government modelling estimates that the level of fuel poverty in 2024 will be 12.7%, whilst some estimates place the number of single pensioner households living in poverty between 20 and 23%. Age UK has suggested that at least 1.6 million pensioners living in poverty are not claiming eligible benefits, of which 1 million may currently be entitled to qualifying benefits but not claiming them. The position for our older residents is stark. · Many pensioners who would be eligible for pension credit do not currently claim it. Research suggests that this is both because potential claimants are unaware that they are eligible and, to a lesser but significant extent, because they can feel uncomfortable in claiming benefits. · The Energy Price Cap is due to rise by 10% in October, which makes it even more important that all residents are able to access all possible support available to them. This Authority further notes: · The financial shock experienced as a result of the disastrous Truss-Kwarteng minibudget, and the significant budgetary pressures imposed on the incoming Labour Government as a result of the serial mismanagement of the UK economy, best characterised by that budget, And especially the £22bn black hole in our nation’s finances, which is the context for the current chancellor’s decision. · The Government’s commitment to the pensions triple lock, which is expected to deliver an increase of approximately £400 for those on the full new state pension. · The continuation of the £150 Warm Home Discount for low-income households from October and the extension of the Household Support Fund with £421 million, which can be used to ensure local authorities can support vulnerable people and ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Forward Plan To approve the Combined Authority’s Forward Plan for October, published here. Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve the Forward Plan for October 2024. Minutes: It was resolved unanimously to: A Approve the Forward Plan for October 2024 |
Combined Authority Chief Executive Highlights Report Report providing an update on the key activities of the Combined Authority and the Mayor since the last Board meeting which are not covered in other reports. Also providing information on key developments, risks and opportunities that have emerged. Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. Concerns were raised about the capacity requirements for the Local Growth Plan, with a query about options for collaborative solutions. Officers acknowledged the need to prioritise tasks to meet changing deadlines and mentioned ongoing work with the Government on interventions and opportunities. It was noted that the working group involves officers from the constituent councils, and that group will be reshaped as required as time goes on. It was resolved to: A Note the contents of the report. |
Improvement Framework - Next Steps Report providing the Combined Authority Board with an opportunity to reflect on comments set out in the letter from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, consider the opportunities the lifting of the Best Value Notice gives the Combined Authority, and agree the way forward. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved to: A Note the contents of the letter from Max Soule, Deputy Director, Local Government Intervention and Stewardship, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government B Recognise the progress that has been made and the work undertaken by staff, Elected Members, partners and agencies to address the areas of identified improvement C Note the close down arrangements for the current improvement programme (phase 3) D Note the proposed role for the Independent Advisory and Support Group (formerly the Independent Improvement Board) and the draft Terms of Reference E Agree the end date for the Independent Advisory and Support Group Minutes: The Executive Director, Resources, presented the report and outlined key points to Members. During discussion, it was confirmed that the costs associated with the project would be covered by CPCA and LGA, assuming they remain minimal. Members expressed excitement at the progress on the devolution agenda, emphasising the importance of recognising achievements, crediting the Mayor and the officers for their work. The removal of the Best Value Notice was welcomed and the maintenance of ongoing support from the improvement board was agreed to be prudent. Questions were raised about capacity and priorities, with the need to embed improvements into business as usual emphasised. It was noted that MHCLG have expressed an interest in using the CPCA improvements as a learning tool for other areas. The important role of the LGA was stressed and there was a request to acknowledge that recognition in a letter to the LGA Chair. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Bridget Smith, it was resolved to: A Note the contents of the letter from Max Soule, Deputy Director, Local Government Intervention and Stewardship, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government B Recognise the progress that has been made and the work undertaken by staff, Elected Members, partners and agencies to address the areas of identified improvement C Note the close down arrangements for the current improvement programme (phase 3) D Note the proposed role for the Independent Advisory and Support Group (formerly the Independent Improvement Board) and the draft Terms of Reference E Agree the end date for the Independent Advisory and Support Group [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] |
Shared Ambition for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Report providing an overview of the new Shared Ambition for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, seeking approval of the Shared Ambition along with the approach to implementation and monitoring of delivery. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved to: A Note the significant engagement and work with partners and stakeholders across the region to develop the Shared Ambition for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. B Approve the Shared Ambition for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. C Approve the approach to the implementation and monitoring of delivery of the Shared Ambition. Minutes: Councillor Sarah Conboy, Lead Member for Devolution and Place introduced this agenda item, highlighting the importance of the journey as much as the document. The Director, Policy and Engagement, then presented the report and highlighted key points to members. Members discussed the importance of continued engagement and collaboration at various levels, emphasising the value of having all stakeholders involved. It was suggested to incorporate a set of metrics into the corporate performance report to track outcomes. The discussion highlighted the need for constructive challenges and cross-checks to ensure ongoing improvement and alignment with the corporate strategy. The conversation also touched on the significance of community land trusts and there was a request to amend an inaccurate statement within the document that refers to Cambridge CLT as the first in Cambridgeshire. Members raised the need for more ambitious transport solutions to address regional disparities. There was a call for greater recognition of local achievements and a push for more innovative and bold statements in future plans. On being proposed by Councillor Sarah Conboy, seconded by Councillor Jamil, it was resolved to: A Note the significant engagement and work with partners and stakeholders across the region to develop the Shared Ambition for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. B Approve the Shared Ambition for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. C Approve the approach to the implementation and monitoring of delivery of the Shared Ambition. [7 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions] |
State of the Region Report providing an overview of the present economic, socio-economic and environmental state of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough region. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve the State of the Region 2024 Report and Dashboard as the Combined Authority’s core evidence base, to inform all investment decisions, policy, strategy and business case development. B Note State of the Region 2024 Summary Slides. C Note plans to strengthen the evidence base on an ongoing basis, including SOTR dashboard updates as new data becomes available, and an annual report.
Minutes: The Head of Policy, Insight and Performance introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. During discussion, the importance of evidence-based policy making and the need for collective data analysis across different public sector services was highlighted. The value of understanding each other's data to achieve common goals was emphasised and the reopening of conversations on how to capture and analyse data collectively was suggested. The discussion highlighted the richness of data available, particularly in health economics and public health, and the need to pool resources to gain better insights. The conversation also touched on the practical applications of data, such as reducing knife crime and hospital admissions, and the importance of live data to inform ongoing discussions. There was a call to avoid duplication of studies and to ensure that data-driven decisions consider the entire region, not just specific areas. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Conboy, it was resolved to: A Approve the State of the Region 2024 Report and Dashboard as the Combined Authority’s core evidence base, to inform all investment decisions, policy, strategy and business case development. B Note State of the Region 2024 Summary Slides. C Note plans to strengthen the evidence base on an ongoing basis, including SOTR dashboard updates as new data becomes available, and an annual report. [6 for, 0 against, 3 abstentions] |
Gateway Review Mid-Term Report Report presenting the findings of the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) Gateway Review 2 Mid-Term Report for the period 2020/21 to 2025/26. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Policy, Insight and Performance introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. It was resolved to: A Note the findings of the Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) Gateway Review 2 (GR2) Mid-Term Report for the period 2020/21-2025/26. B Note how the Combined Authority is responding to themes from the Gateway Review 2 Mid-Term report. C Note planned next steps prior to submission of the GR2 Final Report in October 2025. |
Greater South East Net Zero Hub Budgets Report setting out the revised budgets for all GSENZH programmes and projects following changes to relevant Memorandum of Understandings following Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) agreed change requests and/or additional grant funding received. Decision: It was resolved to: A Agree the Home Upgrade Grant Phase Two (HUG2) and the Local Net Zero Accelerator (LNZA) Revised Budgets for 2024/25 set out in Table 1 B Note the Revised Budgets for the projects set out in Table 2 agreed under the Executive Director of Place and Connectivity’s delegated authority at the GSENZ Board meeting on 3rd September 2024 C Agree the necessary revisions to the Combined Authority’s Medium-Term Financial Plan
Minutes: The Executive Director, Place and Connectivity, introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. During discussion, members expressed their frustrations with the government's funding schemes, emphasising the need for more freedom to spend allocated money effectively locally. They discussed past failures in achieving targets nationally and the importance of learning from these experiences to avoid similar issues in the future. The conversation highlighted the challenges of working with challenging national criteria and the need for better evaluation and realistic planning when taking on new projects. The discussion also focused on the practical aspects of implementing schemes, including the effectiveness of different marketing strategies to reach households. There was a consensus on the need for personalised approaches, such as individual letters and door-knocking, over mass marketing and social media, which have higher dropout rates. On being proposed by Mayor, seconded by Councillor Bridget Smith, it was resolved to: A Agree the Home Upgrade Grant Phase Two (HUG2) and the Local Net Zero Accelerator (LNZA) Revised Budgets for 2024/25 set out in Table 1 B Note the Revised Budgets for the projects set out in Table 2 agreed under the Executive Director of Place and Connectivity’s delegated authority at the GSENZ Board meeting on 3rd September 2024 C Agree the necessary revisions to the Combined Authority’s Medium-Term Financial Plan [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstentions] |
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Business Growth Company Limited Report recommending officers to be instructed to undertake the actions required to wind-up the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Business Growth Company Limited. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved to: A Instruct officers to undertake the actions required to wind-up the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Business Growth Company Limited. B Appoint an additional director, Kate McFarlane, Director Policy and Engagement to the Board of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Business Growth Company Limited in order to oversee and support the orderly closure of the company
Minutes: The Executive Director, Economy and Growth, presented the report and highlighted key points to members. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Al Kingsley, it was resolved unanimously to: A Instruct officers to undertake the actions required to wind-up the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Business Growth Company Limited. B Appoint an additional director, Kate McFarlane, Director Policy and Engagement to the Board of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Business Growth Company Limited in order to oversee and support the orderly closure of the company |
Updates to the Constitution Presenting for approval sections of the Combined Authority’s Constitution that have been reviewed with proposed amendments. |
Proposed changes to Constitution to meet the requirements of the Procurement Act 2023 Report setting out proposed changes to the Combined Authority’s Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) in the constitution in line with the changes being brought into effect under the Procurement Act 2023. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve the attached changes to the Contract procedure Rules (CPR’s) within the constitution which will become effective when the new legislation is implemented. Minutes: The Director, Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. On being proposed by Mayor, seconded by Councillor Nethsingha, it was resolved to: A approve the attached changes to the Contract procedure Rules (CPR’s) within the constitution which will become effective when the new legislation is implemented. [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstentions] |
Recommendations from the Transport and Infrastructure Committee Recommendations received from the Transport and Infrastructure Committee at their meeting held on 18 September 2024. Minutes: The Board was advised that the recommendations tabled had been unanimously supported by the Transport and Infrastructure Committee at its meeting on 18 September 2024. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Jamil, it was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: |
New Digital Connectivity Strategy 2025-2029 KD2024/013 Decision: It was resolved to: A approve the new Digital Connectivity Strategy 2025-2029 Minutes: A approve the new Digital Connectivity Strategy 2025-2029 [unanimous] |
Decision: It was resolved to: A approve the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Strategy B note the progress on Electric Vehicles and Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) business case Minutes: A approve the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Strategy B note the progress on Electric Vehicles and Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) business case [7 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions] |
Decision: It was resolved to: A (using its powers as a local Travel Concession Authority) introduce a local concession allowing pre 9:30 travel for all passholders within the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Travel Concession Area from May 2025 B delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Transport (Public Transport Services) to engage with local operators from the date of decision through to May 2025 to ensure the new local concession is implemented for that date, providing updates to this committee. Minutes: A (using its powers as a local Travel Concession Authority) introduce a local concession allowing pre 9:30 travel for all passholders within the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Travel Concession Area from May 2025 B delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Transport (Public Transport Services) to engage with local operators from the date of decision through to May 2025 to ensure the new local concession is implemented for that date, providing updates to this committee. [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] |
Local Transport and Connectivity Plan and Associated Strategies Decision: It was resolved to: A delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into one or more contracts with the relevant delivery body, as needed to continue the development of the LTCP sub strategies Minutes: A delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into one or more contracts with the relevant delivery body, as needed to continue the development of the LTCP sub strategies [7 for, 2 against, 0 abstentions] Note: approval of the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan and Associated Strategies required a vote in favour, by at least two thirds of all Members (or their Substitute Members) appointed by the Constituent Councils to include the Members appointed by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council. The vote met those criteria. |