Venue: ARU Peterborough, Bishop's Road, Peterborough, PE1 5BW
Contact: Alison Marston
No. | Item |
Petitions To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 5.34 of the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Minutes: No petitions were received. |
To receive any questions from, and provide answers to the public in accordance with Standing Order 5.22 in the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Arrangements for asking a public question can be viewed here: Public Questions - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Additional documents: Minutes: One question was received in advance of the meeting in accordance with the procedure rules in the Constitution. A copy of the question and response will be appended to the minutes of the meeting. |
Forward Plan To approve the Combined Authority’s Forward Plan for June 2024. (The current Forward Plan is published here) Decision: It was resolved unanimously to: A Approve the Forward Plan for June 2024. Minutes: On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Smith, it was resolved unanimously to: A Approve the Forward Plan for June 2024. |
Budget Outturn Report 2023-24 Report providing an overview of the unaudited outturn financial position for the 2023-24 financial year and requesting approval of slippage requests of unspent budgets on the approved capital programme and revenue budget. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved unanimously to: A Note the unaudited outturn position of the Combined Authority for the 2023/24 financial year B Approve the requested slippage of unspent project budgets on the approved capital programme of £59.3m, and on the revenue budget of £14.9m. Minutes: The Assistant Director, Finance, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members. The following points were raised and discussed: · Concerns were raised about the revenue slippage, questioning whether this is a systemic issue and how it compares with other Mayoral Combined Authority positions. Officers agreed to conduct a benchmarking exercise at service level. · As an organisation there is more to be done terms of monitoring and delivery, with a concern that this has meant we have not delivered what we were aiming to. The newly appointed Executive Director for Resources is keen to strengthen the financial management of the authority. · It was explained that some of the extra underspend is treasury management surplus which was bigger than anticipated, caused by capital being unspent which creates a circular issue. Officers committed to doing more to ensure processes are stronger so the money that is there is spent to deliver the priorities the Board has agreed in a timely manner. · The issue of last-minute offers of funding through devolution was highlighted and how the authority has been caught by that. Can messaging be taken back to Government if this is a wider issue and not specific to the CPCA. · More detail was requested on the slippage around the Net Zero Hub. Officers explained that of the £10.5m reported underspend, £4.6m was for the retrofit programme and the remaining £5.9m is receipts in advance so not actual underspend. A more detailed breakdown was agreed to be shared with Board members. · The second phase of the Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2) had issues nationally; with the criteria developed by government making it incredibly difficult for households to apply. The terms of funding were changed in March 2024, relaxing the criteria but there are still high levels of cancellations so this is being monitored closely. · The Net Zero Hub team were praised for their efforts and enthusiasm, and the need for greater freedoms to use the funding as we see best was highlighted. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Chris Boden, it was resolved unanimously to: A Note the unaudited outturn position of the Combined Authority for the 2023/24 financial year B Approve the requested slippage of unspent project budgets on the approved capital programme of £59.3m, and on the revenue budget of £14.9m. |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023/24 Report requesting the Combined Authority note and provide any feedback on the annual report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved unanimously to: A Defer this item to the next meeting of the Combined Authority Board (24 July 2024). Minutes: On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Dennis Jones, it was resolved unanimously to: A Defer this item to the next meeting of the Combined Authority Board (24 July 2024). |
Member Development Annual Report Report providing an overview of the Member Development that has taken place during the 2023/24 municipal year whilst looking ahead to the forthcoming year and the programme of training offered to Members. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director, Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer, presented the report and highlighted key points to members. The following points were raised and discussed: · As Lead Member for Governance, Councillor Edna Murphy emphasised the need for a comprehensive training program for members, noting the significant progress made in recent years. She stressed the importance of members being aware of their roles and responsibilities and having access to appropriate information. She expressed enthusiasm for the development program and the need for it to align with schedules and make efficient use of time. She also expressed anticipation for internal recognition of participation and the importance of feedback. · Board members commended the improvements in the induction program and noted that councillors are gaining a better understanding of the Combined Authority. A session for all members of constituent councils outlining the role and work of the Combined Authority was suggested, possibly as a webinar. · Availability of training throughout the year, especially for last minute substitutes was raised. Flagging which training sessions would be most beneficial for Members on the different committees was also proposed. The option of self-study units was also suggested. · Concerns were raised about the timing of training during the pre-election period, including the all member induction session. Officers confirmed that a follow-up on the induction can be held later in the year if required and it was stated that recordings and training materials will be available on the Member Hub once it is live. The Democratic Services team is ready to provide advice and ad-hoc training for last minute substitutes. · The Member Newsletter was highlighted as a really useful source of information for members, filling a communications void. A desire for this to be promoted more widely was expressed. · Councillor Dennis Jones expressed an interest in being a champion for training, acting as a conduit for members. Officers gladly accepted this offer. It was approved unanimously to: A Note the Member Development Annual Report. B Note the training sessions held and the planned prospectus for the new municipal year. C Note the objectives as being to assist Members in carrying out their roles efficiently, and to maintain the highest standard of elected Members in carrying out their responsibilities to the Combined Authority and the communities they serve. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies Report requesting appointments to be made to outside bodies. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Defer this item to the next meeting of the Combined Authority Board (24 July 2024). Minutes: On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Chris Boden, it was resolved unanimously to: A Defer this item to the next meeting of the Combined Authority Board (24 July 2024). |
Combined Authority Chief Executive Highlights Report Report providing an update on the key activities of the Combined Authority and the Mayor since the last Board meeting which are not covered in other reports. Also providing information on key developments, risks and opportunities that have emerged. Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the report and took the opportunity to thank everyone involved in UKREiiF, emphasising how much positive feedback had been received both during and following the event. Members also expressed gratitude for all the support they received around the event and asked for thanks to be passed back to everyone. It was resolved to: A Note the contents of the report |
Combined Authority Annual Report 2023-24 Report providing an overview of the activity delivered by the Combined Authority in 2023/24 in line with the Corporate Strategy adopted by the Board in January 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the report which highlight the work of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority during 2023/24. Members expressed a desire for there to be an opportunity for full discussion outside of the pre-election period so requested the Annual Report be brought back to the next meeting of the Combined Authority Board. Officers confirmed they would make sure this discussion could take place at the next meeting on 24 July 2024. It was resolved to: A Note the content of the report. |
Improvement Plan Update Report providing the Board with an opportunity to review the progress made in the improvement programme, phase 3, to address the concerns set out in the Best Value Notice dated January 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Interim Programme Director, Transformation, introduced the report, highlighting key points to members. Board Members expressed thanks to the team for the ongoing work. It was resolved to: A Note the progress in March against the identified areas of ongoing concern set out in the Best Value Notice received in January 2024. B Note the update from the Chair, Independent Improvement Board following the meeting held on 7 May 2024 |
Updates to the Constitution Presenting for approval sections of the Combined Authority’s Constitution that have been reviewed with proposed amendments. |
LGA Model Code of Conduct Report inviting the CA Board to consider the adoption of the LGA Model Code of Conduct in full or in part. Minutes: The Director, Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer introduced the report, and highlighted the benefit of adoption of the Model Code of Conduct for consistency and uniformity. The comments from a Board Member were also highlighted; the request to remove the section empowering the Monitoring Officer to determine whether a complaint is politically motived or vexatious. The Monitoring Officer explained that the paragraph has been in the CPCA constitution since the authority’s inception and emphasised that any complaint received is dealt with in consultation with an Independent Person. Both the Combined Authority’s current Independent Persons are ex solicitors with no political affiliation. Councillor Bridget Smith, a board member for the Local Government Association involved in the creation of the model Code of Conduct, explained that there is every argument in favour of having the same code within constituent authorities and the Combined Authority. Members should be aspiring to the same standards. She emphasised the amount of work that went into developing the Model Code of Conduct and suggested that it would be foolish to reject it or any element of it. The recommendations were: A The CPCA Board is invited to consider the matters raised in this report and consider whether the Local Government Model Code of Conduct be adopted in full or part. B The CPCA Board is invited to consider whether the associated guidance on the Model Code of Conduct should be adopted in full or in part. C The CPCA Board is invited to consider whether the associated guidance on complaint handling should be adopted in full or in part D The CPCA Board is invited to consider the requests from the combined authority board member Following the above considerations, it was proposed by Councillor Edna Murphy, seconded by Councillor Bridget Smith and resolved unanimously to: A Adopt the Local Government Model Code of Conduct in full. B Adopt the associated guidance on the Moden Code of Conduct in full C Adopt the associated guidance on complaint handling in full. |
Appointment of Independent Remuneration Panel Report requesting agreement for an Independent Remuneration Panel to be constituted to review the Members’ Allowance Scheme for the Combined Authority. Decision: It was resolved to: A Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the Members’ Allowance Scheme for the Combined Authority in relation to the Mayor’s allowance. B Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for the two Independent Persons for the Audit & Governance Committee. C Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for the members for the Audit & Governance Committee. D Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for the members for the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. E Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for travel and subsistence of all Combined Authority members including co-opted members. Minutes: The Director, Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Dennis Jones, it was resolved unanimously to: A Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the Members’ Allowance Scheme for the Combined Authority in relation to the Mayor’s allowance. B Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for the two Independent Persons for the Audit & Governance Committee. C Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for the members for the Audit & Governance Committee. D Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for the members for the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. E Agree that an Independent Remuneration Panel be constituted to review the allowance for travel and subsistence of all Combined Authority members including co-opted members. |
Adult Education Budget Delegated Authority (Amendment) Report requesting a change of wording to the recommendation made in the Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness (Adult Education Budget) paper taken to the Skills and Employment Committee on 4 March 2024. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Delegate authority to the Assistant Director, Skills, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to: · Enter into, sign and award grant agreements or awards to training providers to deliver Adult Skills Funds to include but not limited to Adult Education Budget, Free Courses for Jobs and Innovation Fund with providers chosen via the relevant procurement exercise. · Where appropriate, extend contracts using existing providers. Minutes: The Assistant Director for Skills introduced the report and highlighted key points to Members. On being proposed by Councillor Lucy Nethsingha, seconded by the Mayor, it was resolved unanimously to: A Delegate authority to the Assistant Director, Skills, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to: · Enter into, sign and award grant agreements or awards to training providers to deliver Adult Skills Funds to include but not limited to Adult Education Budget, Free Courses for Jobs and Innovation Fund with providers chosen via the relevant procurement exercise. · Where appropriate, extend contracts using existing providers. |
Recommendations from Business Board Recommendations received from the Business Board at their meeting held on 13 May 2024. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to approve all the recommendations as set out below: Strategic Growth Fund and Levelling Up Fund Update (Gainshare) [KD2024/024] A Notes the updates on development of the Strategic Growth Fund and Levelling Up Fund contained within this report. B Recommends that the Combined Authority Board reallocates a maximum of £1.5 million unspent capital from the completed Growth Works programme to the Strategic Growth fund to increase the total budget available for this fund. Business Board Members advised and requested that the transferred £1.5m capital funds are ring fenced notionally to be used for specifically for economic / growth projects and investments. Business Board Annual Report and Delivery Plan 2024-25 A Approve the Business Board’s Annual Report & Delivery Plan 2024-25 B Recommend the Combined Authority Board approves the Business Board’s Annual Report & Delivery Plan (2024-25), and for this to be submitted to the Cities and Local Growth Unit Minutes: The Board was advised that all recommendations had been supported by the Business Board at its meeting on 13 May 2024. On being proposed by Nitin Patel, seconded by the Mayor, it was resolved unanimously to approve all the recommendations as set out below: Strategic Growth Fund and Levelling Up Fund Update (Gainshare) [KD2024/024] A Notes the updates on development of the Strategic Growth Fund and Levelling Up Fund contained within this report. B Recommends that the Combined Authority Board reallocates a maximum of £1.5 million unspent capital from the completed Growth Works programme to the Strategic Growth fund to increase the total budget available for this fund. Business Board Members advised and requested that the transferred £1.5m capital funds are ring fenced notionally to be used for specifically for economic / growth projects and investments. Business Board Annual Report and Delivery Plan 2024-25 A Approve the Business Board’s Annual Report & Delivery Plan 2024-25 B Recommend the Combined Authority Board approves the Business Board’s Annual Report & Delivery Plan (2024-25), and for this to be submitted to the Cities and Local Growth Unit |