Venue: Fenland District Council, Fenland Hall, March, PE15 8NQ
Contact: Alison Marston
No. | Item |
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor welcomed everyone to the first meeting back after the summer break. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence; and to receive notification of substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Bridget Smith (Councillor John Williams substituting) and Councillor Sarah Conboy (Councillor Sam Wakeford substituting). |
Declaration of Interests To receive any declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no declaration of interests made. |
Combined Authority Membership Update Report advising of amendments to the membership of the regulatory and thematic committees since the last meeting of the Combined Authority Board. Minutes: The Board received a report outlining changes to the membership of board and committees of the Combined Authority. It was resolved to: A Note the changes in membership from Peterborough City Council on the following: • Combined Authority Board • Overview and Scrutiny Committee • Audit and Governance Committee • Skills and Employment Committee • Transport and Infrastructure Committee • Investment Committee |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2024 and to note the action log. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 24 July 2024 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Mayor. The minutes action log was noted, with a request for the information about revenue slippage from the 5 June Ordinary meeting to be provided for the next meeting. |
Petitions To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 5.34 of the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Minutes: No petitions were received. |
Public Questions To receive any questions from, and provide answers to the public in accordance with Standing Order 5.22 in the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Arrangements for asking a public question can be viewed here: Public Questions - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Minutes: No public questions were received. |
Forward Plan To approve the Combined Authority’s Forward Plan for September (published here). Minutes: It was resolved to: A Approve the Forward Plan for September 2024. [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] |
Combined Authority Chief Executive Highlights Report Report providing an update on the key activities of the Combined Authority and the Mayor since the last Board meeting which are not covered in other reports. Also providing information on key developments, risks and opportunities that have emerged. Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. Members’ discussion centred on the Local Growth Plan and the challenge of balancing economic growth with reducing geographical inequalities. The conversation also touched on infrastructure constraints and the importance of skills development. The Mayor acknowledged the complexities introduced by recent global events but stressed the importance of a unified approach to regional growth. It was resolved to: A Note the content of the report |
Improvement Plan Update Report updating the Board on the progress against the identified areas of improvement, presented to, and agreed by the Combined Authority Board in June and July 2024 to address outstanding concerns set out in the Best Value Notice received in January 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Interim Programme Director, Transformation, introduced the report, highlighting key points to members. Members’ discussion focused on the status of the Best Value Notice (BVN) and its implications, debating whether the BVN had lapsed or was still in effect. Communications were ongoing with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and confirmation from the new minister was awaited. It was resolved to: A Note the Best Value Notice issued in January 2024 for six months has lapsed B Note the progress made across the Improvement Plan throughout June and July 2024 C Note the outcome of the Internal Audit review on the ‘Embedding Continuous Change’ |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023-24 Report requesting the Combined Authority note
and provide any feedback on the annual report of the Overview and
Scrutiny Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Aidan Van De Weyer (Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee) introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. It was resolved to: A Note the Annual Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
Budget Monitoring Update Report providing the Board with an update on the income and expenditure received to the end of June 2024 and forecasts of financial performance to the end of the financial year 2024-25. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Director, Resources, introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. The discussion focused on the Greater South East Net Zero Hub HUG2 funding and its implementation challenges. Officers explained the funding sources and delivery areas, noting progress despite supply chain barriers. It was resolved to: A Note the financial performance of the Combined Authority with actuals as at the 30th June 2024. B Note the decisions taken by the Chief Executive under powers delegated by the Board in section 7. |
25/26 Medium Term Financial Plan and Corporate Plan Process - KD2024/015 Report outlining the timetable and process to refresh the Corporate Strategy and the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP). Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve the proposed arrangements and timeline for the setting of the refreshed Corporate Strategy and the budget and noting that this may be subject to change in accordance with Government announcements or other factors. B Note the revised scrutiny arrangements including the feedback from Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the proposed process for the 2025/26 budget and Medium Term Financial Plan as set out in this report. Minutes: The Executive Director of Resources introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. The discussion focused on the timing of the Combined Authority Board meetings in relation to the Chancellor's budget announcement, with concerns expressed about the November meeting date potentially being too early to incorporate budget details. The need for thorough consultation with constituent authorities and clarity in the budget process was emphasised. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Smith, it was resolved to: A Approve the proposed arrangements and timeline for the setting of the refreshed Corporate Strategy and the budget and noting that this may be subject to change in accordance with Government announcements or other factors. B Note the revised scrutiny arrangements including the feedback from Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the proposed process for the 2025/26 budget and Medium Term Financial Plan as set out in this report. [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] |
Appointment of a Combined Authority Returning Officer - KD2024/047 Report requesting appointment of a Combined Authority Returning Officer (CARO) for the purposes of Article 6 of the Combined Authorities (Mayoral Elections) Order 2017, for the Mayoral election to be held in May 2025. Decision: It was resolved to: A re-appoint John Hill, East Cambridgeshire District Council Chief Executive, as the Combined Area Returning Officer for the purposes of Article 6 of the Combined Authorities (Mayoral Elections) Order 2017 for the Mayoral election to be held on 1 May 2025. Minutes: The Director, Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer, presented the report and highlighted key points to members. The discussion focused on endorsing John Hill as the returning officer for upcoming elections, with his experience and track record praised. The need for coordination with other returning officers around the county elections was highlighted, with officers confirming that coordination efforts are already in place. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Bailey, it was resolved to: A Re-appoint John Hill, East Cambridgeshire District Council Chief Executive, as the Combined Area Returning Officer for the purposes of Article 6 of the Combined Authorities (Mayoral Elections) Order 2017 for the Mayoral election to be held on 1 May 2025. [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] |
Review of Investment Concept Papers Report presenting for approval concept papers (recommended from the Investment Panel) for approval by Board. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved to: A approve the concept paper for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Impact to be developed as a formal business case. B approve the concept paper for Delivery of Digital Connectivity Strategy 2025-2029 to be developed as a formal business case. Minutes: The Executive Director, Resources, introduced the report and highlighted key points to members. The discussion highlighted the importance of the third sector and the need to address geographical inequalities. Members emphasised the lower median pay in the third sector and the necessity of targeted support for deprived areas. The challenges of measuring success and the importance of supporting social enterprises were discussed. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Sam Wakeford, it was resolved unanimously to: A approve the concept paper for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Impact to be developed as a formal business case. B approve the concept paper for Delivery of Digital Connectivity Strategy 2025-2029 to be developed as a formal business case. |
Recommendations from the Skills and Employment Committee Recommendations received from the Skills and Employment Committee at their meeting held on 29 July 2024. Decision: It was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: Further Education Cold Spots: Feasibility Report [KD2024/039] · Accept the proposal to create an Investment and Implementation Plan including a call for skills capital projects, with investment into skills capital in existing FE providers around Cambridgeshire and Peterborough funded from the remaining FE cold-spots budget · Delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Skills and Employment to develop the criteria within the proposed Investment and Implementation Plan Minutes: The Board was advised that the recommendations tabled had been unanimously supported by the Skills and Employment Committee at its meeting on 29 July 2024. On being proposed by Councillor Lucy Nethsingha, seconded by the Mayor, it was resolved unanimously to approve the recommendations as set out below: Further Education Cold Spots: Feasibility Report [KD2024/039] · accept the proposal to create an Investment and Implementation Plan including a call for skills capital projects, with investment into skills capital in existing FE providers around Cambridgeshire and Peterborough funded from the remaining FE cold-spots budget · delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Skills and Employment to develop the criteria within the proposed Investment and Implementation Plan |
Recommendations from the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee Recommendations received from the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee at their meeting held on 31 July 2024. Decision: It was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: £100k Homes, Fordham [KD2024/053] · In accordance with point 2 of the Options Appraisal, to release resale price restrictions affecting eight £100k Homes in Fordham. Each restriction is to be released at the next point of sale of each dwelling and purchasers shall immediately enter into replacement resale price agreements with the Local Housing Authority: East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC). Climate Programme [KD2024/026] · To approve the allocation of funding for the Net Zero Villages programme to our constituent councils to enable local delivery · To approve the remaining capital funding from the Care Homes Retrofit Programme to be redeployed as part of the Climate Programme. Minutes: The Board was advised that the recommendations tabled had been unanimously supported by the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee at its meeting on 31 July 2024. Regarding the Climate Programme, concerns were raised about Net Zero Villages Programme and the need for significant support for villages to develop projects. Officers explained that that terms and conditions are being developed, with flexibility in spending. Regarding the underutilisation of a £2m budget for care home retrofits, officers explained that the low uptake was due to difficulties in securing match funding from care homes. The remaining funds will be redirected to the climate programme, with oversight from the ESC and upcoming workshops to determine future projects. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Lucy Nethsingha, it was resolved unanimously to approve the recommendations as set out below: £100k Homes, Fordham [KD2024/053] · in accordance with point 2 of the Options Appraisal, to release resale price restrictions affecting eight £100k Homes in Fordham. Each restriction is to be released at the next point of sale of each dwelling and purchasers shall immediately enter into replacement resale price agreements with the Local Housing Authority: East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC). Climate Programme [KD2024/026] · to approve the allocation of funding for the Net Zero Villages programme to our constituent councils to enable local delivery · to approve the remaining capital funding from the Care Homes Retrofit Programme to be redeployed as part of the Climate Programme. |