Venue: Peterborough Regional College, PE1 4DZ
Contact: Alison Marston Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence; and to receive notification of substitutions. Minutes: No apologies were received for the meeting. |
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor congratulated newly elected Members of Parliament and expressed keenness for future collaboration to advance shared goals. He reiterated how Mayoral Combined Authorities play a crucial role in regional regeneration and economic growth. |
Declaration of Interests To receive any declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no declaration of interests made. |
Combined Authority Membership Update Report advising of amendments to the membership of the regulatory and thematic committees since the last meeting of the Combined Authority Board. Minutes: The Board received a report outlining changes to the membership of board and committees of the Combined Authority. A further update was provided to the Board of changes to the membership of the Combined Authority’s Skills and Employment and Overview and Scrutiny Committees. It was resolved to: A Note the temporary change in substitute member from Cambridge City Council on the Combined Authority’s Audit and Governance Committee on 20 June 2024. B Note the change in substitute Member from South Cambridgeshire District Council on the Combined Authority’s Audit and Governance Committee. C Note the appointment by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority of Councillor Edna Murphy as their representative on the Combined Authority Board, with Councillor Mohammed Jamil as the substitute. D Note the temporary change in substitute member from East Cambridgeshire District Council on the Combined Authority’s Audit and Governance Committee on 18 July 2024. E Note the change in membership from Peterborough City Council on the Combined Authority’s Skills and Employment Committee. F Note the temporary change in substitute member from Peterborough City Council on the Combined Authority’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 July 2024. G Note the change in Membership from East Cambridgeshire District Council on the Combined Authority’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. H Note the change in Membership from Cambridge City Council on the Combined Authority’s Skills and Employment, and Overview and Scrutiny Committees. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 5 June 2024 (AGM and Ordinary meeting) and to note the action log. Additional documents:
Decision: The minutes of the meetings held on 5 June 2024 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Mayor. The action log was noted. Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 5 June 2024 (AGM and Ordinary) were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Mayor. The minutes action log was noted. |
Petitions To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 5.34 of the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Minutes: No petitions were received. |
Public Questions To receive any questions from, and provide answers to the public in accordance with Standing Order 5.22 in the Combined Authority’s Constitution. Arrangements for asking a public question can be viewed here: Public Questions - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Minutes: No public questions were received. Councillor Anna Smith provided a point of clarification which had arisen following a response given to a public question at the Combined Authority Board meeting in March 2024. The Monitoring Officer referred to a whistleblowing report that was leaked causing advice to be sought from the police and leading to the purchase of alarms for employees at the time. The whistleblowing report was commissioned because of allegations that were made regarding the behaviour of a now former employee. As discussed at previous meetings of the Board, this report is confidential. |
Forward Plan To approve the Combined Authority’s Forward Plan for July 2024 (published here). Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve the Forward Plan for July 2024. Minutes: It was resolved [unanimously] to: A Approve the Forward Plan for July 2024 |
Audit and Governance Annual Report 2023-24 Report showing the work carried out by the Audit and Governance Committee over the 2023/24 municipal year. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Graham Wilson, Vice Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee, introduced the report. He stated that 2023-24 was a year of progress and change for the Combined Authority but stressed that the Committee did not want the Board to become complacent. He emphasised the authority’s response to the improvement plan. Notably, the internal audit opinion remained negative for the third consecutive year. Although not unprecedented, this situation warranted attention. The Internal Auditor provided assurances regarding the authority’s internal controls. The Audit and Governance Committee expressed appreciation for the extensive work undertaken to identify and address issues throughout the year. Board members queried the likelihood of the potential for a fourth year of receiving negative audit opinion and the response was given that it is too early to say but the Committee were hopeful. The Vice Chair was assured by the Board that there is no complacency. It was resolved to: A Note the Annual Report of the Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee for 2023-24 |
Combined Authority Chief Executive Highlight Report Report providing an update on the key activities of the Combined Authority and the Mayor since the last Board meeting which are not covered in other reports. Also providing information on key developments, risks and opportunities that have emerged. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive presented the report, emphasising key points to the Board members. Notable highlights included engagement with the new Prime Minister and Deputy. He stressed the importance of contributions from everyone in developing the Local Growth Plan; while the initial focus was on the first 12 months, a comprehensive 10-year plan is essential. Variations across different areas necessitates a clear outline of interventions and support to unlock the region's potential. He told Board members he had recently attended the first ARUP graduation ceremony and noted that progress on the next phase of the building was nearing completion. Commenting on the reported figures for the uptake of Tiger Passes, he emphasised how monitoring usage is now a priority, considering both the number of passes and actual journeys A discussion with the National Infrastructure Commission was scheduled for next week. The Mayor highlighted the impact of national changes on the region and confirmed that correspondence from the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government provided additional insight. The pressure on local authorities was acknowledged, and the Mayor encouraged direct engagement by the constituent authorities unless a coordinated approach is deemed more appropriate. Council of the Nations and the Regions will be one mechanism for promoting the value of Devolution. The Mayor emphasised the importance of the opportunity and how it is incumbent on all Board members to seize it. Board members emphasised the need for inclusivity in creating the Local Growth Plan and were keen to ensure all constituent authorities, as well as the Business Board, Police and Crime Commissioner, Integrated Care Board and Fire Authority (and Local Resilience Forum). It was also noted that to deliver on the ambition of reducing inequality, targeted growth is required in underperforming areas. It was resolved to: A Note the contents of the report. |
Report informing the Board of the impact achieved from attendance at the UK Real Estate Infrastructure and Investment Forum (UKREiiF). Minutes: The Assistant Director, Delivery, introduced the report. He thanked the constituent authorities, Business Board and other partners who had contributed to and attended the event as part of team Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Acknowledging how the presence at the event has boosted confidence for future endeavours, he confirmed that a pavilion has been booked for next year. Members requested that Place Directors at the constituent authorities are engaged in discussions around next steps. The fact that the event was just one step in a multi-year approach to broadening reach and visibility. It was resolved to: A Note the contents of the report. |
Bus Reform Outline Business Case [KD2024/032] Report providing an update on the bus reform business case and progress via the auditing process with a decision to proceed to consultation as per the Bus Services Act 2017 and the associated Bus Franchising Guidance. Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve the Bus Reform Assessment (also known as the Outline Business Case or OBC Assessment) dated 1st July 2024, as provided to the independent auditor, in line with approvals received at the September 13th 2023 CPCA board and agree that the Bus Reform Assessment dated 1st July 2024 supersedes the Bus Reform Assessment dated September 2023. B Note the final Draft Audit Report, as provided to CPCA by the independent Auditor C Proceed with the proposed Bus Franchising Scheme following receipt by CPCA of the issued Audit Report from the Auditor in a form which is substantially the same as that of the final Draft Audit Report, by taking the following next steps in the statutory process by: · giving notice of the proposed Bus Franchising Scheme, and to make copies of the proposed Bus Franchising Scheme, Consultation Document, final Bus Reform Assessment and Audit Report available for inspection. · consulting with all statutory consultees as listed under section 123E(4) of the Transport Act 2000 (the Act), as well as the general public of the region. D Delegate authority to the Executive Director Place and Connectivity to agree and publish the final Bus Reform Assessment and to publish the issued Audit Report as received from the Auditor. Minutes: The Executive Director, Place and Connectivity, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Members. Detail was requested around the considerations at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 July 2024. Officers provided a summary of what was discussed at that meeting, including the committee’s emphasis on the importance of clear communication:
Board Members welcomed the feedback regarding the Overview and Scrutiny Committee discussions, commenting that it is a good demonstration of the value of the committee. While the committee had made no formal recommendation to Board, members were reminded that there are mechanisms in place within the constitution to allow that to happen. Officers agreed to speak to the committee members and look at ways to make that input into Board more fluent. During discussion, the following points were raised and clarified: · Councillor Lucy Nethsingha acknowledged the extensive work done to reach this point, thanking all the officers involved. While expressing excitement she also acknowledged the legitimate concerns about the topic. She emphasised the need for improved public transport, particularly for young people, and highlighted franchising's potential to create a more integrated system. She noted the significant financial commitment involved but supported moving to public consultation to allow community input. · Al Kingsley highlighted the detailed discussions at Business Board about the project's merits, including social and economic impacts and skill unlocking from a business perspective. He acknowledged unresolved questions about financial modelling and emphasised the need for a comprehensive approach that includes multiple transport forms to attract external funding. He advocated for public consultation to gather feedback and refine the project, noting the importance of sharing the business perspective. He emphasized that the plan is based on worst-case local funding scenario, with a 30-year forward-planning model, and stressed the necessity of high-quality forward monitoring. He stressed that a mixed transport offer is necessary and that investing in bus services' quality and reliability is crucial to changing public behaviour. He underscored the importance of the project being self-funded but also recognised the potential for it to attract broader investment and support. · Councillor Bridget Smith thanked the officers for their succinct introduction and expressed South Cambridgeshire's support for the proposals. She noted that the largely rural area suffers from a lack of public transport and acknowledged the extensive work that went into addressing concerns from the original business case. While recognising the inherent risks in such projects, she emphasised that inaction would mean failing in their role as the Combined Authority. Bridget highlighted the challenge of engaging people in the consultation process, stressing the importance of communicating the purpose and potential impact of their feedback. She reminded the board of their obligation to significantly reduce car journeys to impact emissions positively. Success hinges on ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Corporate Performance Report Q4 2023/24 Report presenting performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s corporate key performance indicators and most complex programmes and projects. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Policy, Insight and Performance introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members. During discussion, questions were raised around the recent announced changes to the apprenticeship levy and how that will impact. Officers confirmed that while some of the performance metrics may need to be reevaluated, ambitions around apprenticeship growth will not change and work will continue with employers across the region. Concerns were raised around outdated information; officers agreed that the extensive lagging of data is unhelpful and confirmed that more recent data has been identified. Board members will be engaged with to discuss a number of indicators. A downward trend in the proportion of land classified as nature-rich was highlighted and the importance of measuring this metric was emphasised. Officers reassured Members that this is further explored in the upcoming State of the Region report which will be coming to the next Board meeting. It was resolved to: A Scrutinise performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Corporate Key Performance Indicators. B Scrutinise performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Most Complex Programmes and Projects. C Scrutinise performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Headline Priority Activities. D Note progress to evaluate the impact of the Devolution Deal Investment Fund in a Gateway Review.
Risk Report Q4 2023/24 Report presenting the corporate risk register, dashboard and heatmap. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Project Manager, PMO, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members. Concerns were raised about recruitment and retention risks and emphasised the distinction between risk management and risk mitigation. Low-risk items should still remain on the register for visible oversight. A question was raised about the absence of internal audit risks on the register. Officers confirmed that while they would expect to see reference to internal audit in areas where the risk was highlighted by the auditors, it would not be expected to be a risk in its own right. Members emphasised that risk appetite should be owned by the Board, guided by officers, and how risk appetite naturally varies depending on the nature of a decision. The Mayor was keen to understand how the CPCA compared to other Combined Authorities in terms of risk management and confirmed he would discuss further with the Chief Executive how to best acknowledge risks involved when making decisions. It was resolved to: A note the risk register, dashboard and heat map in Appendix A-C. B note the update on progress of the Risk Software implementation C note the plan for risk deep dives
Budget Monitor Update Report providing the Board with an overview of the full year budget for 2024-25. This is made up by the budget agreed at MTFP plus any slippage from the 2023-24 financial year approved by the Board at their meeting in June 2024. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Note the restated 2024/25 revenue budget and capital programme updated for approved carry-forwards. B Approve the minor changes to the improvement plan budget as set out in section 3.4 C Note variances forecast overachievement of Treasury Management Income Minutes: The Assistant Director of Finance introduced the report and highlighted key points to the Board members. A request was made for slippage to be shown separately from other changes in the tables in the future. When queried about the confidence level regarding slippage and capital spend, officers confirmed that a £40m increase in spend in Place and Connectivity had recently been reported to the Audit and Governance Committee; while there is still a way to go this is a positive step. Emphasising the Combined Authority’s role as a commissioning authority, they emphasised the importance of collaboration with local authorities to ensure project delivery. A question was raised about how the even distribution of funds is monitored and it was noted that with a goal to reduce inequality there is often a necessity to have a clear preference in spending. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Bridget Smith, it was resolved [6 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] to: A Note the restated 2024/25 revenue budget and capital programme updated for approved carry-forwards. B Approve the minor changes to the improvement plan budget as set out in section 3.4 C Note variances forecast overachievement of Treasury Management Income
Improvement Plan Update Report updating the Board on the progress against the identified areas of improvement, presented to, and agreed by the Combined Authority Board in March 2024 to address outstanding concerns set out in the Best Value Notice received in January 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Interim Director of the Transformation Programme introduced the report and highlighted key points to the Board members. A query was raised whether the Mayor was considering writing to request the removal of the Best Value Notice (BVN) or to wait for it to expire. The Chief Executive explained that no formal letter has been written as the BVN is set to expire on 31 July 2024. A meeting with MHCLG colleagues is scheduled for that date and a pack of evidence and progress has been provided to support removal. When asked about systematic benchmarking with Combined Authorities officers confirmed that a set of best value standards is in place. Evidence has been provided to demonstrate compliance with these standards and the CPCA is informally collaborating with other Mayoral Combined Authorities. A potential peer review may compare performance against other Combined Authorities (CAs) but the peer review process has not been build or designed for CAs. Discussions with the LGA have been ongoing since pre-election, and the LGA is keen to engage more with CAs. Recent months have seen increased collaboration among Mayors, CEXs, and policy teams, sharing knowledge and evolving into a stronger group. It was resolved to: A Note the progress in May against the identified areas of ongoing concern set out in the Best Value Notice received in January 2024. B Note the update from the Chair, Independent Improvement Board following the meeting held on 1 July 2024 C Note the proposed ongoing arrangements for embedding continuous improvement
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023/24 Report requesting the Combined Authority note and provide any feedback on the annual report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Defer this item until the next meeting of the Combined Authority Board. Minutes: As neither the previous or current Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been able to attend the meeting to present the annual report, it was proposed by Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Smith and resolved unanimously to defer this item to the next meeting of the Combined Authority Board. |
Updates to the Constitution Presenting for approval sections of the Combined Authority’s Constitution that have been reviewed with proposed amendments. |
Delegations to Officers Report presenting for approval changes to delegations to the Chief Executive Officer and Assistant Director HR; empoweting them to perform their roles more effectively. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve delegations to the Chief Executive (to be added to the constitution) to: · Engage with all mayoral candidates leading up to the election of a Mayor for the CPCA · Attend meetings with all mayoral candidates leading up to the election of a Mayor for the CPCA · Provide guidance and support to all mayoral candidates where required. B Approve delegations to the Assistant Director Human Resources (to be added to the constitution) to: · Update relevant parts of the constitution and polices relating to Human resources and employment issues due to changes in statute and case law · Amend errors relating to Human resources and employment issues in relevant parts of the constitution. · Make nonmaterial amendments to processes and policies relating to Human resources and employment issues Minutes: The Interim Director, Legal and Governance, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members. It was confirmed that discussions between the Chief Executive and any Mayoral candidates would be able to commence as soon as a party confirmed their nominated candidate. It was also clarified that the business of the Combined Authority and the Mayor would not be affected, and any meetings between the Chief Executive and the current Mayor (if selected as party candidate) about beyond 2025 would be clearly defined. On being proposed by Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Smith, it was resolved [6 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] to: A Approve delegations to the Chief Executive (to be added to the constitution) to: · Engage with all mayoral candidates leading up to the election of a Mayor for the CPCA · Attend meetings with all mayoral candidates leading up to the election of a Mayor for the CPCA · Provide guidance and support to all mayoral candidates where required. B Approve delegations to the Assistant Director Human Resources (to be added to the constitution) to: · Update relevant parts of the constitution and polices relating to Human resources and employment issues due to changes in statute and case law · Amend errors relating to Human resources and employment issues in relevant parts of the constitution. · Make nonmaterial amendments to processes and policies relating to Human resources and employment issues
Appointment to Outside Bodies Protocol Report presenting a new protocol for the appointment to outside bodies. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve the Appointment to Outside Bodies Protocol for adoption by the Combined Authority and inclusion in the constitution with additions as agreed at the meeting. Minutes: The Interim Director, Legal and Governance, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members During discussion, it was noted that the draft protocol does not include any mention about potential conflicts of interest and how they would be dealt with. It was proposed by Councillor Chris Boden, seconded by Councillor Dennis Jones and resolved [6 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] for the Monitoring Officer to ensure this is included in the final version. On being proposed by Mayor, seconded by Councillor Bridget Smith, it was resolved [6 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] to: A Approve the Appointment to Outside Bodies Protocol for adoption by the Combined Authority and inclusion in the constitution with the additions as agreed.
Appointments to Outside Bodies Report requesting appointments to be made to outside bodies. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved: A To approve the appointment of the Mayor as the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority representative on the Cambridge Growth Company Advisory Council. B That members appointed to external bodies provide updates to the CPCA Board at intervals agreed by the CPCA Board. Minutes: The Interim Director, Legal and Governance, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members. Board members raised the issue of potential conflicts of interest arising for officers and how that is managed. Officers confirmed that usual practice is to select officers least likely to have conflicts but that officers sign a declaration of interest form when appointed to outside bodies. On being proposed by Councillor Anna Smith, seconded by Councillor Bridget Smith, it was resolved [6 for, 0 against, 1abstention]: A To approve the appointment of the Mayor as the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority representative on the Cambridge Growth Company Advisory Council. B That members appointed to external bodies provide updates to the CPCA Board at intervals agreed by the CPCA Board.
Allowance of Independent Persons Report presenting recommendations for equal allowances to both independent persons to ensure fairness and parity. Decision: It was resolved to: A Approve changes to the allowances to ensure that both Independent Persons receive the same. Minutes: The Interim Director, Legal and Governance, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members. On being proposed by Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Bailey, it was resolved [6 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] to: A Approve changes to the allowances to ensure that both Independent Persons receive the same.
Business Growth and Social Impact Investment Fund Update Report providing a progress update on the Business Growth and Social Impact Investment Fund. Minutes: The Senior Responsible Officer, Local Growth Fund, Market Insight and Evaluation introduced the report and highlighted key points to the Board members. Members enquired about the inclusion of KPIs aimed at reducing inequalities and whether more funds are allocated to areas with greater inequality. They highlighted the commitment to reducing inequality and the importance of promoting prosperity across boundaries to address regional disparities. Measuring success is complex in this area. Officers confirmed that a report will be brought to members in the future around social economic duty. Working across boundaries is scored positively especially on social funding. The importance of addressing regional inequalities by leveraging the strengths and opportunities of different areas was stressed by Members. Officers confirmed the funding split will be kept under review and that part of the proposal was the flexible component to the loans. It was resolved to: A Note the progress updates contained within the report.
Appointment of a Director to CPCA Subsidiary Company Report to consider a nomination for an officer of the Combined Authority to be a director of the Peterborough HE Property Company Limited. Decision: It was resolved to: A Appoint David Moore, Assistant Director Business Trade and Investment, CPCAas adirector ofPeterborough HigherEducation PropertyCompany Ltd(PROPCo1) Minutes: The Assistant Director, Delivery, introduced the report and highlighted key points to Board members. On being proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Smith, it was resolved [5 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] to: A Appoint David Moore, Assistant Director Business Trade and Investment, CPCAas adirector ofPeterborough HigherEducation PropertyCompany Ltd(PROPCo1)
Recommendations from the Skills and Employment Committee Recommendations received from the Skills and Employment Committee at their meeting held on 17 June 2024. Decision: It was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: AEB and FCFJ Commissioning and Funding Flexibilities (2024-25 Academic Year) [KD2024/035] A Approve CPCA’s funding flexibilities for 2024-25 (permitted under the CPCA’s devolved AEB powers) Minutes: The Board was advised that the recommendations tabled had been unanimously supported by the Skills and Employment Committee at its meeting on 17 June 2024. On being proposed by Mayor, seconded by Councillor Anna Smith, it was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: [5 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] AEB and FCFJ Commissioning and Funding Flexibilities (2024-25 Academic Year) [KD2024/035] A Approve CPCA’s funding flexibilities for 2024-25 (permitted under the CPCA’s devolved AEB powers)
Recommendations from the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee Recommendations received from the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee at their meeting held on 19 June 2024. Decision: It was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: Local Nature Recovery Strategy [KD2024/028] A Delegate authority to the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee to approve a draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for public consultation Minutes: The Board was advised that the recommendations tabled had been unanimously supported by the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee at its meeting on 19 June 2024. Members requested that the strategy comes to leaders via their officers before it is published. On being proposed by Councillor Bridget Smith, seconded by Mayor, it was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: [6 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] Local Nature Recovery Strategy [KD2024/028] A Delegate authority to the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee to approve a draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for public consultation
Recommendations from the Transport and Infrastructure Committee Recommendations to consider from the Transport and Infrastructure Committee (TIC). These are subject to consideration at the TIC meeting on 22 July 2024. An update on the TIC decisions will be given at the Combined Authority Board meeting. Decision: It was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: Bus Service Improvement Plan [KD2024/033] A approve the revised Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), as prepared by the Combined Authority at the instruction of the Department for Transport B (subject to approval of the Bus Service Improvement Plan) approve publication on the Combined Authority website and submission to the Department for Transport Active Travel Plan [KD2024/023] A Note the five active travel strategic aims for 2024/25. B approve the request for redistribution of Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) Transport revenue funding and the moving of £143,907 from subject to approval to approved. Details of proposed spending can be found in Appendix E. C Subject to approving recommendation B, approve the use of funds for a community Active Travel Grant. D Note the contents of the Active Travel Fund 4 (ATF4) Extension bid. E approve the drawdown of £1.1m from Active Travel Fund 4 Extension funding. F approve the delegation of authority to the Assistant Director, Transport to enter into a Grant Funding Agreement with Cambridgeshire County Council following consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Monitoring Officer. March Area Transport Study [KD2024/007] A approve the MATS Full Business Case 2 (FBC 2) B approve the drawdown of £7,000,000 of the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) from subject to approval to approved for the MATS project to be spent in Financial Years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026. C delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into Grant Funding Agreements with Cambridgeshire County Council. Minutes: The Board was advised that the recommendations tabled had been unanimously supported by the Transport and Infrastructure Committee at its meeting on 22 July 2024. On being proposed by Councillor Anna Smith, seconded by Councillor Lucy Nethsingha, it was resolved to approve the recommendations as set out below: [8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention] Bus Service Improvement Plan [KD2024/033] A approve the revised Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), as prepared by the Combined Authority at the instruction of the Department for Transport B (subject to approval of the Bus Service Improvement Plan) approve publication on the Combined Authority website and submission to the Department for Transport Active Travel Plan [KD2024/023] A Note the five active travel strategic aims for 2024/25. B approve the request for redistribution of Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) Transport revenue funding and the moving of £143,907 from subject to approval to approved. Details of proposed spending can be found in Appendix E. C Subject to approving recommendation B, approve the use of funds for a community Active Travel Grant. D Note the contents of the Active Travel Fund 4 (ATF4) Extension bid. E approve the drawdown of £1.1m from Active Travel Fund 4 Extension funding. F approve the delegation of authority to the Assistant Director, Transport to enter into a Grant Funding Agreement with Cambridgeshire County Council following consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Monitoring Officer. March Area Transport Study [KD2024/007] A approve the MATS Full Business Case 2 (FBC 2) B approve the drawdown of £7,000,000 of the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) from subject to approval to approved for the MATS project to be spent in Financial Years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026. C delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into Grant Funding Agreements with Cambridgeshire County Council.
Exclusion of the Press and Public To determine whether the public and press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended, as the following item of business has an exempt appendix and the discussion may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of schedule 12A of the Act; information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). Minutes: It was resolved that the press and public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the next report contains exempt information under Part 1 of Schedule 12A the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, and that it would not be in the public interest for this information to be disclosed. The public interest in maintaining the exemption must be deemed to outweigh the public interest in its publication.