Venue: CPCA Meeting Room, Pathfinder House, Huntingdon
Contact: Joanna Morley
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions. |
Declaration of Interests At this point Members must declare whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, or other interest, in any of the items on the agenda, unless it is already entered in the register of members’ interests. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 183 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2024 and to note the Action Log. Additional documents: Decision: The minutes of the meeting on 21 October 2024 were approved as an accurate record.
The Action Log was noted by the Committee. |
Arrangements for asking a public question can be viewed here: Public Questions - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority |
Forward Plan To note the Combined Authority’s Forward Plan for January. |
Director's Highlight Report To receive a presentation from the Assistant Director- Skills updating Members on the key activities of the Economy and Growth Directorate in relation to Skills and Employment. Decision: RESOLVED A. To note the report |
CPCA's Wider Outcomes Framework PDF 180 KB To receive an update on the CPCA’s Wider Outcomes Framework . Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: A. To note the update on CPCA’s Wider Outcomes Framework (Phases Two and Three) which is designed to more effectively evidence the impact of learning beyond training ‘completions’ and achieving qualifications. |
Youth Forum for the Youth Guarantee Trailblazer PDF 385 KB To approve the establishment of a Youth Forum (age 16-21) that will ensure the young person’s voice is embedded into plans for the delivery of for the Youth Guarantee Trailblazer. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: A. To approve the establishment of a Youth Forum (age 16-21) that will ensure the young person’s voice is embedded into plans for the delivery of the Youth Guarantee Trailblazer. |
Further Education Cold Spots PDF 168 KB To note the progress made towards the establishment of a Skills Capital Grant Funding opportunity to resolve the FE Cold Spots identified by the Combined Authority. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: A. To note the progress made towards the establishment of a Skills Capital Grant Funding opportunity to resolve the FE Cold Spots identified by the Combined Authority. B. To recommend to the Combined Authority Board the approval of the proposed Grant Funding approach to spend the £4.5m Capital Investment. C. To recommend to the Combined Authority Board the delegation to the Assistant Director of Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer, to enter into grant funding agreements with selected providers on behalf of the Combined Authority.
Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy PDF 307 KB To seek approval for the proposed Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED The Skills and Employment Committee resolved to recommend to the Combined Authority Board the: A. Approval of the proposed Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028 B. Approval of implementing three-year plan-led grant funding agreements for FE Colleges and Local Authorities and the WEA subject to DfE funding for the period 2025 – 2028. C. Approval of the procurement of Independent Training Providers (ITPs) under contracts for services, subject to DfE funding. D. Approval for contracts for services to be issued over 3 years (2025 – 2028) to bring them in line with grant funding agreements and support sustainability and capacity building within the sector. E. Delegation to the Assistant Director for Skills & Employment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer, to enter into multi-year grant funding agreements and contracts for services for the Adult Skills Fund and Free Courses for Jobs Fund on behalf of the Combined Authority.
To note the Committee’s Work Programme. Decision: RESOLVED: A. To note the Committee’s Work Programme. |
Date of Next Meeting 24 February 2025. |