12 Corporate Performance Report, Q1 and Q2 2024/25 PDF 263 KB
Report presenting performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s corporate key performance indicators and most complex programmes and projects.
Additional documents:
It was resolved to:
A Note performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Corporate Key Performance Indicators.
B Note performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Most Complex Programmes and Projects.
C Note performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Headline Priority Activities.
D Note progress to evaluate the impact of the Devolution Deal Investment Fund in a Gateway Review.
E Note progress to implement the Combined Authority’s Performance Management Framework.
The Performance and Evaluation Manager introduced the report and highlighted key points to members.
Members requested an update on initiatives aimed at reducing the number of traffic-related fatalities and injuries, and an action was assigned to the transport team to provide an update in a future highlight report.
Concerns were raised over the current use of outdated metrics, especially the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), which is updated infrequently and lacks timely data. Members discussed adopting the Annual Deprivation Index, a more frequently updated metric covering economic, health, and crime data, to better track and address inequalities. The conversation underscored the need for more current and relevant data, and it was agreed that future metrics should include those with more regular updates. Members also emphasised the importance of consistency in data comparisons, ensuring that new metrics provide an accurate and actionable view of the area's social and economic needs.
It was resolved to:
A Note performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Corporate Key Performance Indicators.
B Note performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Most Complex Programmes and Projects.
C Note performance information relating to the Combined Authority’s Headline Priority Activities.
D Note progress to evaluate the impact of the Devolution Deal Investment Fund in a Gateway Review.
E Note progress to implement the Combined Authority’s Performance Management Framework.