Issue - meetings

Adult Skills Fund

Meeting: 21/10/2024 - Skills and Employment Committee (June 2024 – present) (Item 11)

11 Adult Skills - Current and Future Commissioning pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To update Members on plans for future commissioning of Adult Skills including strategic priorities.



A.    To note CPCA’s approach to commissioning adult skills for 2025 and beyond

B.    To recommend that the CA Board approves the transitionary commissioning plan for private and third-sector providers for delivery from 1.8.25 and beyond as set out in section 3.6 of the report.

C.    To recommend that the CA Board agrees to the development of an Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028



The Assistant Director – Skills introduced the report which looked at future commissioning for the Adult Skills Fund


During discussion the following points were noted:


a)    The Adult Skills Fund (ASF), previously known as the Adult Education Budget (AEB), was the largest funding source (amounting to approximately £12 million from Gainshare funding) devolved to the Combined Authority (CA).

b)    The current commissioning strategy, last updated in 2020, required a full revision and refresh to align better with sector needs, employer demands, and evolving policy landscapes.

c)    There were significant national policy changes that needed to be taken into account, including the consolidation of adult skills funding, skills boot camps, and free courses for jobs into a single funding stream, and the need to comply with changes under the Public Procurement Act and ensure future-ready procurement and commissioning structures.

d)    Providers had responded positively to the plans for a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).

e)    Members expressed support for the development of a new Strategy particularly in relation to economic development and regional growth.

f)     A concern was raised about whether the newly introduced Single Assurance Framework might impede the commissioning process. Officers acknowledged the potential risks but expressed optimism that the framework would enhance governance without creating bottlenecks.

RESOLVED (Unanimous)

On being proposed by the Chair and seconded by the Mayor the Committee resolved to:

A.    Note the CPCA’s approach to commissioning adult skills for 2025 and beyond

B.    Recommend that the CA Board approves the transitionary commissioning plan for private and third-sector providers for delivery from 1.8.25 and beyond as set out in section 3.6 of the report.

C.   Recommend that the CA Board agrees to the development of an Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028