9b Draft Adults Commissioning Strategy - KD2025/001 PDF 133 KB
It was resolved to:
A approve the proposed Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028
B approve the implementation of the three-year plan-led grant funding agreements for FE Colleges and Local Authorities and the WEA subject to DfE funding for the period 2025 – 2028.
C approve the procurement of Independent Training Providers (ITPs) under contracts for services, subject to DfE funding.
D approve contracts for services to be issued over 3 years (2025 – 2028) to bring them in line with grant funding agreements and support sustainability and capacity building within the sector.
E delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Skills & Employment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer, to enter into multi-year grant funding agreements and contracts for services for the Adult Skills Fund and Free Courses for Jobs Fund on behalf of the Combined Authority.
10. Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy PDF 307 KB
To seek approval for the proposed Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028.
Additional documents:
The Skills and Employment Committee resolved to recommend to the Combined Authority Board the:
A. Approval of the proposed Adult Skills Commissioning Strategy 2025-2028
B. Approval of implementing three-year plan-led grant funding agreements for FE Colleges and Local Authorities and the WEA subject to DfE funding for the period 2025 – 2028.
C. Approval of the procurement of Independent Training Providers (ITPs) under contracts for services, subject to DfE funding.
D. Approval for contracts for services to be issued over 3 years (2025 – 2028) to bring them in line with grant funding agreements and support sustainability and capacity building within the sector.
E. Delegation to the Assistant Director for Skills & Employment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer, to enter into multi-year grant funding agreements and contracts for services for the Adult Skills Fund and Free Courses for Jobs Fund on behalf of the Combined Authority.