Issue - meetings

Bus Reform KD2024/067

Meeting: 06/02/2025 - Combined Authority Board (Item 8.)

8. Bus Reform [KD2024/067] pdf icon PDF 291 KB

Report enabling the Combined Authority Board to note the completion of the bus reform consultation process, to note the Westco Bus Reform Consultation Report, to approve the CPCA Bus Reform Consultation Response report and to review its associated documents.

Enabling the Combined Authority Board to make a recommendation to the Mayor on bus franchising and approve the necessary further steps.

Additional documents:


It was resolved to:

A    Note the completion of the bus reform consultation process, its extent and the responses received including the discussions and feedback from Transport and Infrastructure Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Committee in January 2025.

B    Note the Westco Consultation Report at Appendix 2

C    Approve the CPCA Consultation Response Report at Appendix 3.

D    To recommend to the Mayor that he makes a franchising scheme as set out at Appendix 5, complying with all associated statutory requirements

E    When the Mayor has decided whether or not to make a franchising scheme agree:

·     to adopt and publish the Combined Authority’s response to the consultation, together with the Mayor’s decision as the report to be published by the Combined Authority under section 123G (1) of the Transport Act 2000 (as amended by the Bus Services Act 2017) (the “Act”);

·     in accordance with section 123G(2) of the Act to give notice to the Traffic Commissioner

F    If the Mayor decides to make a franchising scheme:

·     to publish the scheme set out at Appendix 5 on behalf of the Mayor at the same time as the Westco Consultation Report (Appendix 2) and CPCA Consultation Response Report (Appendix 3) to be published under section 123G(1) of the Act;

·     at the same time to publish a transitional notice in the terms set out in Appendix 6 and then within 14 days of the date upon which the transitional notice is published, to give notice to the Traffic Commissioner of its publication on behalf of the Mayor if the Mayor so decides (or alternatively CPCA) as required by the Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Franchising Schemes Transitional Provisions and Amendments) (England) Regulations 2018;

·     to agree that, in conducting the procurement process for the provision of local services, the Combined Authority will facilitate the involvement of small and medium sized operators in the provision of local services as set out in the report “Bus Franchising: Facilitating the involvement of small and medium-sized operators” at Appendix 4 to enable compliance with section 123 G (3) of the Act;

·     to commence with implementation and mobilisation of franchising, noting section 4.4 of this report (Next Steps in the event of a Mayoral decision to approve franchising).

G   If the Mayor decides not to make a franchising scheme:

·     to advance the process to implement an Enhanced Partnership in accordance with sections 138A to 138J of the Act, relevant statutory guidance and supporting legislation noting section 4.5 of this report (Next Steps in the event of a Mayoral decision not to make a franchising scheme).

·     Approve the repurposing of the existing ‘development of bus franchising’ budget to be used for the initial development work for the Enhanced Partnership.

Meeting: 24/01/2025 - Transport and Infrastructure Committee (Item 7.)

7. Bus Reform Consultation Report pdf icon PDF 257 KB

To enable the Transport and Infrastructure Committee to make a recommendation to the Combined Authority Board on the proposed bus franchising scheme.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: (Unanimous)

A.    To note the completion of the bus reform consultation process, its extent and the responses received

B.    To note the contents of the Westco Consultation Report at Appendix 2

C.   To recommend to the Combined Authority Board that it approves the contents of the CPCA Consultation Response Report at Appendix 3

D.   To recommend to the Mayor that he makes a franchising scheme as set out at Appendix 5, complying with all associated statutory requirements.