Date of Next Meeting
To be confirmed.
The date of the next meeting was to be confirmed.
The date of the next meeting had been tentatively scheduled for 10 January 2025 but this was yet to be confirmed.
7 Bus Network Update PDF 150 KB
An update on the delivery on the work to date to improve the bus network.
Additional documents:
To note the progress on the improvements to the Bus Network.
The Chair announced that initial discussion on this item would start in open session but that if Members wished to comment on the exempt appendix to the report then a vote would be taken and depending on the outcome, the meeting would move into private session. With that in mind, the Executive Director for Place and Connectivity introduced the report and asked for general comments from the Committee.
During the public session the following comments were noted:
At this point, having noted the general consensus in the room, the Chair moved that the meeting be moved into private session.
RESOLVED: (Unanimous)
On being proposed by the Chair and Seconded by Cllr Ellis the Committee resolved to:
Move into private session with the press and public to be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that discussions are at risk of disclosing exempt information under Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, namely paragraphs 3 and 5 relating to the financial or business affairs, and information that is subject to legal professional privileg