13 Infrastructure Delivery Framework - Update PDF 139 KB
For the Committee to consider the Infrastructure Delivery Framework report.
Additional documents:
A. To note the report, first presented to the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee, recommending that the CA Board approve the final report of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework (IDF
B. To note the next steps of the CPCA working with Place Directors across the constituent authorities to develop projects to address infrastructure issues.
The Executive Director for Place and Connectivity introduced the report which updated the Committee on the final draft of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework. This report had been first presented to the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee
During discussion, the following points were noted:
a. Although the report was not initially part of the local growth plan process, it had now become an essential piece of evidence that fed into the Plan. The report considered current and future needs within the infrastructure areas mentioned and would continue to inform discussions related to the Growth Plan.
b. Officers clarified that hospital infrastructure was not covered in the report, but was being addressed in other contexts, particularly in the local planning process.
c. Concerns were raised about water scarcity and the recent joint regulatory letter to Cambridge Water, which indicated that Cambridge Water may be required to revise its draft Water Resource Management Plan (WRMP 24) due to performance issues. The Executive Director confirmed that this development occurred after the report was finalised but noted that the report was a snapshot of the situation at that time. The issue of water scarcity was being considered in the ongoing review of Local Plans.
d. The report referred to the current headroom in the energy system and did not account for future needs beyond those outlined in Local Plans. Unfortunately, the regulatory framework design did not require infrastructure providers to ensure sufficient capacity for planned growth.
e. Members requested an update on the status of flood alleviation schemes, specifically those listed in the report, including future schemes in locations such as Dogsthorpe Ward in Peterborough. Officers promised to provide a more detailed response in due course.
A. To note the report, first presented to the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee, recommending that the CA Board approve the final report of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework (IDF?
B. To note the next steps of the CPCA working with Place Directors across the constituent authorities to develop projects to address infrastructure issues.
1. Officers to provide an update on the status of flood alleviation schemes