Issue - meetings

Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy – Update

Meeting: 13/11/2024 - Combined Authority Board (Item 17)

17 Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy – Update pdf icon PDF 127 KB


It was resolved to:

A    Delegate authority to the Assistant Director - Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into one or more contracts or Grant Funding Agreements with the relevant delivery body (consultancy or Cambridgeshire County Council), as needed to continue the development of the GCTS.


A    Delegate authority to the Assistant Director - Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into one or more contracts or Grant Funding Agreements with the relevant delivery body (consultancy or Cambridgeshire County Council), as needed to continue the development of the GCTS.

Meeting: 04/11/2024 - Transport and Infrastructure Committee (Item 11)

11 Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy (GCTS) pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To provide an update on the Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy (GCTS) and next steps. 



A.    To note the update on the Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy (GCTS).

B.    To recommend to the Combined Authority Board to delegate authority to the Assistant Director - Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into one or more contracts or Grant Funding Agreements with the relevant delivery body (consultancy or Cambridgeshire County Council), as needed to continue the development of the GCTS



Lynne Miles, Director of City Access at the Greater Cambridge Partnership introduced the report which provided an update on the Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy and next steps. Emma White, Acting Transport Manager was also in attendance to answer Members’ questions. 


During discussion the following points were noted: 


a.    The Chair stressed the importance of aligning the Transport Strategy with the Greater Cambridge Local Plan. The alignment was crucial to ensure that the local plan progressed effectively and meaningfully, particularly in terms of infrastructure support. 

b.    Officers reassured Members that, while the strategy was named for Greater Cambridge, its influence extended beyond this area, encompassing a broader travel-to-work area and the functional economic area of Cambridge. This broad reach had been at the core of ongoing officer-level discussions, with full acknowledgment of its importance. The consultation process, including engagement with all relevant democratic bodies and organisations within the affected area, would be given careful consideration. 

c.     The Director reassured members that this was the early stages of the process and that the feedback from this meeting would be incorporated as the strategy progressed. The importance of keeping all stakeholders informed and involved as the strategy was developed and refined was emphasised. 

d.    Detailed planning and updates would continue to come through the Committee for review and input before moving to the next stage. 



On being proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Ellis the Committee resolved (with 6 votes in favour and 1 abstention) to:


A.    Note the update on the Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy (GCTS).? 

B.    Recommend to the Combined Authority Board to delegate authority to the Assistant Director - Transport in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to enter into one or more contracts or Grant Funding Agreements with the relevant delivery body (consultancy or Cambridgeshire County Council), as needed to continue the development of the GCTS?