12 Wisbech Rail (also known as March to Wisbech Modal Appraisal) PDF 226 KB
To provide an update on the Wisbech Rail project following the completion of the Strategic Option Appraisal Report by Network Rail.
Additional documents:
A. To note the Wisbech Rail project and the Network Rail Strategic Option Appraisal Report.
B. To agree the Committee’s preferred next steps
The Transport Manager introduced the report which provided an update about the Wisbech Rail project following the completion of the Strategic Option Appraisal report by Network Rail. Rob Russell from Network Rail was also in virtual attendance to support this item.
During discussion the following points were noted:
a. There was a collective disappointment that the current report did not offer a definitive "yes" to proceed. However, Members acknowledged that the report's scope should be considered more broadly, with a willingness to explore additional significant connections beyond the immediate recommendations such as a potential extension to Chatteris.
b. It was highlighted that ongoing discussions with Anglian Water and other stakeholders, including connectivity benefits, were essential for ensuring the integration of transport infrastructure with future developments.
c. Several members stressed that the proposed rail link should not merely be viewed as a shuttle service between two towns. Instead, it should be seen as a critical part of a connected transportation network.
d. The committee supported keeping options 1 and 2 open for further evaluation. It also supported exploring interim measures, such as additional bus services, to improve current connectivity, particularly in the short term, whilst longer-term solutions were being discussed
A. To note the Wisbech Rail project and the Network Rail Strategic Option Appraisal Report.?
B. Agree the Committee’s preferred next steps.
1. A report outlining the revised scope to be presented in the Spring, focusing on the extended rail network and interim measures for improving current connectivity.