Issue - meetings

Public Questions

Meeting: 04/11/2024 - Transport and Infrastructure Committee (Item 4)

4 Public Questions pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Arrangements for asking a public question can be viewed here: Public Questions - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority


Ten public questions had been received. The questions are published on the CPCA website and can be found here


Ten public questions had been received. These had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting and were published as part of the meeting documents. Please see here: Public Questions.pdf ( 


Some of those who had submitted questions were not in attendance so in order to accommodate all of the questions in the allotted time the Chair stated her intention to take those questions as read and simply refer to Q1,2 etc in the published questions document.  Present were Ms Sophie Corcoran (Question 4), Andrew Jones (Question 6 – attending virtually), Clive Freeman, on behalf of Bramley Line Heritage Railway (Question 7) and Sarah Nicholls, on behalf of Cambridge Past, Present and Future (attending virtually). All questions were taken in the order they were submitted, with those in attendance being asked to ask their question in turn.?The Chair gave a verbal response to each question (and also invited officers to respond)?and assured all present that a full written response would be published on the website after the meeting.  


Supplementary questions were asked by 1. Andrew Jones (resident) 2. Sarah Hughes (on behalf of the Sustainable Travel Alliance) and 3. Sarah Nicholas (on behalf of Cambridge Past Present and Future). Responses were as follows: 


1.    It was acknowledged by the Chair that many users, particularly young people, relied on bus apps for real-time information and that incorrect data undermined public confidence in bus services, which could in turn discourage public transport use. It was emphasised that this data was held by the bus operators and that the CPCA did not have the power to compel sharing. It was agreed that steps would be taken to encourage bus operators to supply the necessary data but was it was also noted that the effectiveness of IT systems relied heavily on the quality of the input data and much of this is commercially sensitive data held by operators. A commitment was made to review the quality of the monitoring, with any further details provided in a written response. 

2.    Confirmation was given that public engagement, including with community campaigning groups would indeed take place prior to the formal consultation on the Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy. The engagement would aim to ensure high-quality, inclusive outreach, allowing community members and groups the opportunity to contribute their input. 

3.    It was clarified that the strategy for the consultation process on the Greater Cambridge Transport Strategy would be a public document and tabled at this committee.