16 Infrastructure Delivery Framework - Final Draft KD2024/049 PDF 128 KB
It was resolved to:
A Approve the final report of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework
B Approve the next steps of the CPCA working with Place Directors across the constituent authorities to develop project concepts and an action plan to address infrastructure issues
A Approve the final report of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework
B Approve the next steps of the CPCA working with Place Directors across the constituent authorities to develop project concepts and an action plan to address infrastructure issues
11 Infrastructure Delivery Framework - Final Draft PDF 136 KB
To present the final draft of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework for approval.
Additional documents:
A. To recommend to the Board to approve the final report of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework (IDF).
B. To approve the next steps of the CPCA working with Place Directors, across the constituent authorities to develop project concepts and an action plan to address infrastructure issues.
The Executive Director, Place and Connectivity, introduced the report which presented the final draft of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework (IDF) report for consideration and amendments.
During discussion the following points were noted:
a) It was confirmed that the IDF would integrate with Local Plans, and that workshops taking place with Place Directors on 20 November would further determine actionable steps, including business case development and feasibility studies.
b) Members raised concerns about flood risk language, emphasising the need to consider not only maintenance but also substantial improvements in flood defences
c) Members expressed interest in sharing insights from the report with their respective local authority officers, especially those working on local plan updates, so that the IDF’s themes and priorities could be incorporated.
RESOLVED: (Unanimous)
On being proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Dupre, the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee resolved to:
A. To recommend to the Board to approve the final report of the Infrastructure Delivery Framework (IDF).
B. To approve the next steps of the CPCA working with Place Directors, across the constituent authorities to develop project concepts and an action plan to address infrastructure issues.
1. The language around flood risk to be updated to include both ‘maintenance and improvement’