Issue - meetings

Director's Highlight Report

Meeting: 24/01/2025 - Transport and Infrastructure Committee (Item 6.)

6. Director's Highlight Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report from the Executive Director updating Members on the key activities of the Place and Connectivity Directorate in relation to Transport and Infrastructure.

Additional documents:



A.    To note the Director’s highlight report.


Meeting: 04/11/2024 - Transport and Infrastructure Committee (Item 6)

6 Director's Highlight Report pdf icon PDF 325 KB

Report from the Executive Director updating Members on the key activities of the Place and Connectivity Directorate in relation to Transport and Infrastructure.



To note the Director’s highlight report.


The Executive Director, Place and Connectivity introduced the report which provided the Committee with a general update on the key activities of the Place and Connectivity Directorate in relation to Transport and Infrastructure, which were not covered in other reports to this meeting.


During discussion, the following points were noted:

a)    Members requested an update on timelines following the submission of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy on 15 November.

b)    Officers provided an update on the integration plans and phase development for the Peterborough Station Quarter (PSQ) stressing the collaboration with the City Council. The delay in submitting the Outline Business Case was attributed to Department of Transport (DfT) procedural considerations, not project issues.

c)    The Chair reaffirmed commitments to robust data analysis and performance metrics, particularly concerning the Local Transport and Connectivity Strategy (LTCS). These efforts, supported by the Policy Insight and Performance Team, aimed to ensure transparent impact assessments and data-driven strategies. A framework for these improvements was expected in early 2025, with further updates anticipated in the January or March meetings.

d)    Officers clarified that the A505 project was led by the County Council and included provisions for sustainable transport. The A505 report was not yet public but would be shared once completed.

e)    It was reiterated that the CPCA was committed to securing government funding for the Ely Area Enhancement Scheme which was seen as critical investment.



A.    That the Transport and Infrastructure Committee note the report.



1.    Officers to provide status updates on electric vehicle initiatives at upcoming meetings.

2.    The A505 project report to be circulated to Members as soon as it was made public

Meeting: 18/09/2024 - Transport and Infrastructure Committee (Item 6)

6 Director's Highlight Report pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Report from the Executive Director updating Members on the key activities of the Place and Connectivity Directorate in relation to Transport and Infrastructure.



To note the Director’s highlight report


The Executive Director, Place and Connectivity introduced the report which provided the Committee with a general update on the key activities of the Place and Connectivity Directorate in relation to Transport and Infrastructure, which were not covered in other reports to this meeting.


During discussion the following points were noted:


a.    The Chair congratulated the team on the achievement of the Authority being promoted to Active Travel Level 3, making it the only authority promoted this time. There were no authorities at Level 4, and only a few at Level 3. 

b.    Phase 1 of the Peterborough Station Quarter project was already addressing integration, and further improvement was planned with phases 2,3 and 4 which would focus on enhancing bus and rail connections. 

c.     The Authority was carefully considering the interrelationship between the new Investment Committee and the thematic committees. Officers clarified that the Investment Committee only reviewed forward-looking investments, and previously approved funding that had already gone through the necessary processes would not need to be re-evaluated. However, future projects that had not yet been approved or needed adjustments would need to go through the standard process. 

d.    The A10/Milton interchange project was being reviewed to ensure alignment with the Department for Transport (DfT)’s strategic priorities. Given that potential funding would likely come from the DfT, the project was being re-evaluated to ensure that proposals fitted within the current strategic framework. 

e.    Discussions were ongoing with National Highways and other stakeholders to advance improvements on the A47 junctions and bring them forward as soon as possible. 

f.      There would be discussions with Fenland District Council to review the options for Wisbech Rail in light of National Rail’s feedback. 

g.    The active travel initiatives were to be welcomed but members emphasised the need for them to expand beyond Cambridge and urged for a more region-wide rollout. Officers explained that the team were working on practical solutions to improve active travel routes, particularly in rural areas and that they were always mindful of the importance of providing better access and infrastructure to enable residents to choose alternative forms of transportation. 

h.    The Committee was reassured by officers that the Wisbech Access Strategy was being maintained in a ready state for when funding became available. The team was working closely with Cambridgeshire County Council to ensure the strategy was prepared for timely implementation. 




A.    That the Transport and Infrastructure Committee note the report. 




1.    Officers to hold a workshop for councillors to provide further updates on the A10, bus franchising, and other relevant projects.