Decision details

Investment Committee Papers

Decision Maker: Combined Authority Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve concept papers and business cases recommended from the Investment Panel


It was resolved to:

A    Approve the change request and budget increase of £2m for the Cygnet Bridge project.

B    Approve the concept proposal for the CPCA Strategic Investment and Innovation Growth Fund and for it to be developed into a business case as the next stage.

C    Approve the concept proposal for Littleport Business and Community Centre and for it to be developed into a business case as the next stage.

D    Note the Chief Executive Approval Decisions from December 2024.

E    Note the decisions from Investment Committee held on 16 December 2024.

Report author: Janice Gotts

Publication date: 24/01/2025

Date of decision: 22/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 22/01/2025 - Combined Authority Board

Effective from: 04/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: