Decision Maker: Investment Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Investment Committee resolved to:
A. Recommend to the CPCA Board that the CPCA complete a shareholder’s agreement with PropCo2 and ARU including the issuance of 3 million shares to the Combined Authority and up to 1.5 million shares to ARU in return for cash or an in-kind investment of up to £1.5m, subject to the final version of the shareholder agreement being approved by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, the Executive Director Economy and Growth, and the Chair of the Investment Committee, Mayor Dr Nik Johnson
B. Recommend to the CPCA Board that the CPCA agree to provide shareholder approval for PropCo2 to enter into an agreement to lease the whole of the Phase 2 building to Anglia Ruskin Enterprise Limited subject to the final version of the lease being approved by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, the Executive Director Economy and Growth, and the Chair of the Investment Committee, Mayor Dr Nik Johnson
NB. Text in bold is in addition to the original recommendations
Publication date: 21/10/2024
Date of decision: 21/10/2024
Decided at meeting: 21/10/2024 - Investment Committee
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