Decision details

GSENZH Delivery of Warmer Homes – Local Grant Scheme

Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee, Combined Authority Board

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve GSENZH to apply for and deliver the Warmer Homes – Local Grant scheme across a consortia of Local Authorities in the GSENZH area using capital grant funding from DESNZ over a 3-5 year period



A.    i) To note the national issues with delivery of previous retrofit schemes that the GSENZ Hub have delivered, the reputational and financial risk to the CPCA and the GSENZ Hub.


ii) To agree to the GSENZ Hub undertaking a prompt engagement exercise with the Hub Board and consortia members alongside a risk assessment to inform a final decision whether to submit an expression of interest as the Contracting Authority and Accountable Body for the new Government’s Warm Homes: Local Grant.


B.    To recommend to the CA Board to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place and Connectivity to work with the Chair of ESC to evaluate the engagement evidence and outcome of the risk assessment and to conclude whether to submit an Expression of Interest as the application timeline requires decision between committee dates.


C.    To recommend to the CA Board that the ‘GSENZ Hub is approved to apply on behalf of local authorities in the GSENZ Hub consortia to deliver the Warm Homes: Local Grant scheme’. On the condition that the outcome from recommendations A & B concludes this is the appropriate decision and to report this decision back to the CA Board

Report author: Maxine Narburgh

Publication date: 28/10/2024

Date of decision: 25/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 25/10/2024 - Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee

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