Meeting documents

Combined Authority Board
Wednesday, 20th March, 2024

Business Items
1  Agenda Contents 
1  Agenda Document Pack - Combined Authority Board - 20/03/2024 
2  Agenda Contents
2  Agenda Document Pack - Combined Authority Board - 20/03/2024 - Complete Access Preview
3  Combined Authority Board and Committee Membership Update March 2024 
4  Draft Minutes - 31 January 2024 
5  Forward Plan - March 
6  Chief Executive Highlights Report - March 2024 
7  Budget Update Report - March 2024 
8  Improvement Plan Update 
9  Bus Reform and Network Delivery Update 
10  Q3 Corporate Risk Report 
11  Greater South East Net Zero Hub Delegations 
12  Update on State of the Region 2024 
13  Careers Hub Academic Year 2024-25 
14  Recommendations from Skills and Employment Committee 
15  Recommendations from Business Board 
16  Delegations to Officers 
17  Corporate Performance Report Q3 2023-24 
18  Recommendations from Transport and Infrastructure Committee 
19  Senior Appointments 
20  Public and Member Questions with responses - 20.03.2024 
21  Question 1 Appendix 
22  Action Log 
   Appendix 1: Revenue Expenditure Position 
   Appendix 2: Material Variance Explanations 
   Appendix 3 a & b: Revenue and Capital Subject to Approval Budgets 
   Appendix 4a: Capital Strategy Report 
   Appendix 4b: Non Treasury Investment Strategy Report 
   Appendix 4c: Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2024-25 
   Appendix 4d: Minimum Revenue Provision Statement 2024-25 
   Appendix 5a: Capital Strategy 24-25 (with track changes) 
   Appendix 5b: Non Treasury Investment Strategy (with track changes) 
   Appendix 5c: Treasury Management Strategy 24-25 (with track changes) 
   Appendix 5d: Minimum Revenue Provision Statement 2024-25 (with track changes) 
   Appendix 1: Best Value Notice January 2024 
   Appendix 2: - Improvement Plan Phase 2 Close-down 
   Appendix 3: Improvement Plan - Phase 3 
   Appendix 4: Letter to Simon Hoare MP Minister for Local Government Deprtment for Levelling Up Housing and Communities 
   Appendix 5: Revised Terms of Reference - Independent Improvement Board 
   Appendix 1: Report Summary Table 
   Appendix 2: Vision and Context for Bus Reform 
   Appendix 1: Corporate Risk Register 
   Appendix 2: Risk Dashboard 
   Appendix 3: -Corporate Risk Heatmap 
   Appendix A: Balanced Scorecard and Corporate KPIs Dashboard Q3 2023-24 
   Appendix B: Most Complex Programmes and Projects Dashboard Q3 2023-24 
   Exempt Appendix A: Senior Appointments
23  240320 Decision Statement 
24  240320 Minutes [Public]